17 de Mayo en Chile: Todo Mejora!

La organización Todo Mejora se encuentra organizando en el marco de las actividades previstas para las semana del  17 de mayo varios eventos durante todo el mes de mayo. Éstos eventos se encuentran entre las acciones que se organizan a nivel...

Get artsy for IDAHOT!

Recognising May 17 as the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), the Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights is calling on all young activists to speak up on LGBT rights through Free Expression! The Youth Coalition for Sexual...

Dance and Sing for Equality!

Brace yourselves! May 17 will host a storm of artsy flashmobs in many parts of the globe! Gender festivals, concerts, feminist radio programs, concerts by lesbian choirs, video performances… From Fiji to Botswana, from Cyprus to South Korea, the power...

Nepal will be celebrating May 17

In Nepal, IDAHOT will be celebrated as a prolonged 3-day event/festival starting from May 15. Photo: 4th International GAIJATRA Pride FESTIVAL 2013. Source Blue Diamond Society Various activities are planned, including a photo exhibition, talk program, press conference, media programs,...


Artworks Share the 2014 campaign posters to your friends, families and colleagues to amplify our fight against anti-LGBT hate. By clicking the artwork below, you can easily share the artwork to your Facebook! If you want to download the artworks, go here. [gallery columns="4"...

Film Screening

Film screenings are a great way to get people together, learn about different issues and encourage discussion. They also make for great 'add-on' events, as part of a broader series of actions, such as community debates and speeches, public demonstrations...

May 17 events planned in Sri Lanka

Equal Ground, a notable LGBTIQ organisation in Sri Lanka, will be hosting a campaign for the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia which will consist of a discussion forum and a documentary video. Equal Ground is developing a documentary exclusively...

Norms can be broken

“Feminism matters because it is a platform of ideas striving towards a world free of oppressive roles. One wonderful women in my life showed me that norms could be broken for better, that our given roles that deprive us from...

Personal is Political

“Feminism matters because it helped me to question, to understand how heterosexuality and gender is a social construction, to realize that there is a lot of work that can be done to change things, because they are not ‘natural’ or...

RainbowFlash events in Germany

Germany will see a great variety of events in many different cities. The events include a two-week festival, demonstrations, Kiss-Ins and numerous Rainbow Flashes which has been mainly organised by the LSVD. Photo: RainbowFlash on IDAHOT 2013 The Lesbian and Gay...

IDAHOT Actions in Belgrade, Serbia on May 17

This year's International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia will be celebrated in Belgrade, Serbia with several activities, featuring cultural events, and the campaign 'Get a safe space for the LGBT community'. Photo: International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia 2013 in Belgrade...

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