Art project WORLD LOVE IDAHOT 2014 organised from Australia

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IDAHOT Sydney and Pride in Colours have initiated a major participatory art project & exhibition which calls out for contributions from everyone worldwide. Commemorating Freedom of Expression the initiative is asking people to send in the word for love in their own language.

This project for May 17 calls out to people to express themselves for IDAHOT 2014 by sharing their word for LOVE in their own language for a short 3 minute video being created to commemorate International Day Against Homophobia and Transhphobia (IDAHOT) 2014. The 3 minute video consists of KISS photos and the LOVE words will float over these images bringing hope and creating awareness that all LOVE is equal and beautiful.

world love 2

If you would like to participate please send your word for LOVE to, and if you have any questions or concerns please contact Nick Baldas, the creator of the project, at the same email address.
NEW! The finished video is now available to watch here:

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