May 17 in Neuquén, Argentina: From Legal Equality to Social Equality

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The organisation Mesa por la Igualdad Neuquén (Table for Equality in Neuquén) in Argentina is in the midst of organising the 3rd Solidarity Campaign “TE ABRIGO” (I shelter You) within the framework of the planned activities for the week of May 17. This event is part of the actions that are planned on a global level in over 120 countries by organisations for sexual diversity, human rights and allies of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT).

For the third consecutive year since the Mesa por la Igualdad Neuquén, the Solidarity Campaign “TE ABRIGO” will be carried out, collecting clothes for the brothers and sisters in need, with a special focus on the impoverished children in the barrios of Neuquén. This event takes place on the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia which is celebrated every year on May 17, commemorating the day in 1990 when the World Health Organisation eliminated homosexuality from the list of mental disorders.
This day of SOLIDARITY and VISIBILITY of LGBT is executed out of commitment towards the ones who are most in need, to make us visible for who we are: lesbians, transvestite, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals identifying closely with social reality who are working towards complete inclusion and elimination of discrimination.
They will celebrate the “Día Internacional Contra la Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Genero” (International Day against Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) with this action of solidarity which consists of collecting clothes, shoes, blankets, scarfs and everything else that can provide shelter. They are anticipating their collaborated action to take place on Saturday May 17 between 10am and 1pm at the Monumento a San Martín in the city of Neuquén.
The organisation Mesa Nacional por la Igualdad Neuquén is a political space that connects different civil organisations who work towards Equality, seeking to build together a province and a Argentina that is more just, inclusive and equitable.
You can find the event on Facebook: Día Mundial Contra la Homofobia – Neuquén 2014

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