May 17 2014 in Lithuania: Open-bus tour, flashmobs & free expression !

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The Lithuanian Gay League has just announced a series of events to coincide with the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2014.

They are planning to have movie screenings in three major towns in Lithuania starting on the 15th of May, which will allow people to get better prepared for the big day – May 17th.
The series of action will start with a quiz on human rights, followed by movie screenigs and a get-together evening. On the 17th, to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, they are planning to have an open-bus ride in Vilnius which will include stops for flashmobs and leaflet dissemination. After IDAHOT the actions are still continuing with an artistic session with photo presentation and lecture by queer artists and many more.
The Program is as followed:
7 pm , bar “Soulbox” (Vilniaus street 39, VILNIUS)
Rainbow cinema. Movie “Children of God”
5 pm, cinema theatre “Skalvija” (A. Gostauto street 2/15, VILNIUS)
Rainbow cinema. Discussion
6:30 pm, cinema theatre “Skalvija” (A. Gostauto street 2/15, VILNIUS)
Rainbow bus trip
10 am-1 pm, trip begins at Lukiškių street, VILNIUS
Social evening
10pm, club “Soho” (Švitrigailos street 7/16, VILNIUS)
“Baltic Pride 2013” book /photo album presentation
5 pm, Contemporary Art Centre, Vokiečių street 2, VILNIUS
Public lecture on queer artists (art critic Laima Kreivytė)
6 pm, Contemporary Art Centre, Vokiečių street 2, VILNIUS
May 23, FRIDAY
Public lecture (project manager of the Equality advancement centre)
1 pm, Vytautas Magnus University, KAUNAS
Rainbow cinema. Movie “Children of God”
5pm, cinema theatre “Romuva”, KAUNAS
May 30, FRIDAY
Public picture (project manager of the Equality advancement centre)
1 pm, Klaipėda University, KLAIPĖDA
Rainbow cinema. Movie “Children of God”
5 pm, Cinema theatre …, KLAIPĖDA
For more info:
Lithianian Gay League website & facebook
LGL activists’ postcard campaign for IDAHO 2013 in Lithuania

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