IDAHOT actions in Latvia

Latvia will be celebrating IDAHOT with a “express yourself” photo booth in Riga. LGBT activists and their friends at MOSAIC organization are inviting everyone on May 17 to express themselves however they want in support for the LGBT community in...

UNESCO Asia Pacific

In addition to School Rainbow event, UNESCO Asia Pacific with its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, is commemorating the Day by further activities, drawing attention to the issue of bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in Thailand. The...

IDAHOT celebrations in Vietnam

This year, the Sexual Rights Alliance is preparing events to celebrate the progress the LGBT movement has achieve so far as well as to get together to reinforce spirit. Photo: From the campaign Tôi Đồng Ý  ('I Do') A reception to...

Iceland will be celebrating May 17

The organisation Samtökin '78 is preparing activities for IDAHOBIT under the theme 'Do Queer Votes Count?'. In commemoration and in the context of elections, Samtökin '78 has invited to a panel discussion with candidates for Elections 2014 to discuss their...

IDAHOT Activities in Guyana

The organisation SASOD Guyana has been organising a series of events as part of the activities planned for the week of May 17. SASOD prepares to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) with the launch of the...

IDAHOT activities planned in Jamaica

The organisation J-Flag of Jamaica is organising a symposium with the topic of personhood, sexual citizenship and religion in the days before the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia. The event will be held in Kingston on Friday, May 16th from...

Spain will host a variety of actions on May 17

In Spain, numerous groups and organisations are preparing for the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia in various cities and provinces, including Valladolid, Valencia, Madrid and Alicante. VALLADOLID: The organisation PAC LGBT+ Valladolid in Valladolid, Spain has scheduled two events...

17 de Mayo en Peru: Todo Mejora!

La organización Todo Mejora de Peru se encuentra organizando en el marco de las actividades previstas para las semana del  17 de mayo multiples actividades. Estos eventos se encuentran entre las acciones que se organizan a nivel internacional en mas de...

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