Happy Bi Visibility Day !

Today (September 23) is Bi Visibility Day also known as International Celebrate Bisexuality Day. Bi Visibility Day is designed to highlight biphobia in society as well as within LGBTI and other social movement spaces, and to help people make contact...


Las personas bisexuales también sufren de homofobia La idea de que el identificarse como bisexual es una manera de evitar la homofobia, o más fácil/más seguro que declararse homosexual, es un mito. Las personas que nos odian no distinguen entre...

Past Campaign Themes

2004/2005: For the Recognition of an International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) 2005/2006: For a Universal Decriminalisation of Homosexuality 2006/2007: No to Homophobia, Yes to Education 2007/2008: No more Lesbophobia 2008/2009: Against Transphobia and for the Respect of Gender Identity 2009/2011: Religions, Homophobia,...

Partners & Sponsors

The IDAHO Committee is mainly supported by: The Arcus Foundation HIVOS The IDAHO Committee has also received financial contributions from: Thomson Reuters Freedom House French Ministry for Youth Paris City Council The Arts Collective “Entrée Payante” The IDAHO Committee works...

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how can i get involved?

Check out the Take Action section for campaign toolkits and ideas for action ! Scroll through Events to join the action near you. Join us on Facebook: facebook.com/may17idahot. Follow the Day on Twitter: twitter.com/may17idahot

What is idaho?

It was created in 2004 to draw the attention of policymakers, opinion leaders, social movements, the public and the media to the violence and discrimination experienced by LGBTI people internationally. Since then the Day has grown in both scope and...

Nuevo crimen de odio en Venezuela

Un hombre gay de 47 años de edad, identificado como Borys Bello, fue asesinado en su vivienda al recibir múltiples heridas con arma blanca. Un nuevo caso de homofobia que preocupa a la comunidad LGTTBI venezolana. Venezuela Diversa Vecinos de...

Libertad de expresión

El tema de la libertad de expresión de las minorías sexuales y de género fue escogido por activistas de todo el mundo como un área prioritaria de interés que merece toda nuestra atención en el próximo Día Internacional contra la...

May 17 salutes March 8!

Today – March 8, 2014 – is the 104th annual International Women’s Day! For more than 104 years, feminism has been bringing the world things like the vote, the right to choose, equality in politics and social movements, labour rights,...

Freedom of Expression

The issue of Freedom of Expression for sexual and gender minorities was chosen by activists worldwide as a priority area of concern that deserves our full attention on the upcoming International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 17, 2014 !...

HIV and SOGIE-Stigma

ARGUEMENTS FOR ACTION Around the world, LGBT people are disproportionately affected by the HIV epidemic. Specifically, infection rates in men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans people are up to 20 times higher than in the general population. One of...

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