Rainbow Flashmob in Vladivostok

Russian LGBT activists organized a Rainbow Flashmob yesterday in the city of Vladivostok on the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT). The organizers have kindly shared some photos with the IDAHO Committee. Радужный_флешмоб_во_Владивостоке_

Free hugs in Portugal

The organisation will also be distributing some materials to sensitize people towards LGBT issues and also offer small gifts like pens and …. anti-stress balls !! More information on the event, and to spread the word, please visit the event’s...

A May 17th Message From Milan

Wednesday May 8, 2013 By Gianni Geraci of ‘Il Guado’ Gay Christian group in Milan (Italy). Translated by Peter Luntz This year, Milan’s Gay Christian groups have organized a new type of ecumenical prayer vigil for victims of homophobia. One...

Bielefeld gets Rainbow colors

The German city of Bielefeld yesterday held the second Rainbow Flashmob, releasing rainbow-colored balloons into the air. The balloons carried short messages, condemning homo/bi/transphobia and violence, with a musical support of the LesBenitas drums. The event was supported by the AIDS...

Fiji marks IDAHOT with numerous events

Week-long celebrations to mark IDAHOT The Drodrolagi Movement (droMo) marked the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) with a week of events that included rainbow-chalking driveways, a peace vigil, a documentary screening and discussion and a Pride Party.  ...


Activities in Chile ranged from a demonstration in front of the Supreme Court to protest it’s Presidents homophobic declarations, to a campaign destined to name and shame notorious homophobes. Other actions included letters and petitions to politicians on issues ranging...

Day of action in Burkina Faso

The Queer African Youth Networking Center (QAYN)  organised a day of action, reflection and community building on May 18th, in line with international celebrations. Activities  included a community meeting, a creative photo shoot to feed into the ‘Global Rainbow Flashmob’...

Más eventos se suman en México

Más organizaciones y entidades se suman en México a la conmemoración del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y Transfobia. En este caso el Comité Estatal Contra la Discriminación y la Homofobia de Querétero propone 3 actividades para realizar. Desde hace...

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