Rainbowflash events in Hungary to target transphobia

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Building upon the success of last year’s workshop addressing transphobia within the Hungarian LGB community and based on the need to continue this kind of initiatives, Transvanilla Transgender Association decided to organize another workshop this year.
“We would like to draw attention to the general lack of visibility of trans people, including (or especially) in the “LGBT” community”, the organizers say. There are people in the LGB community who seem not to accept trans people and their needs. Some of them may think that the T* community is far from the LGB movement, or even that their political goals and interest do not overlap. The apparent fear that the T* community jeopardizes social and political acceptance of gays and lesbians is a pressing issue that must be challenged.
The goal is to together find solutions to:
– how to increase the visibility and the acceptance of trans people in the LGB community
– how can the Hungarian LGBT NGOs integrate trans people’s point of view into their work
– how can the Hungarian organisations provide a safe and welcoming environment to the trans community
Link to the organization’s website: http://transvanilla.hu
The discussion is open and free, will be on 17 May 6PM in Bálint Ház, Budapest, VI. Révay utca 16
Link to the Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/transvanilla
facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/486278394778754/
more info in hungarian: http://transvanilla.hu/home/70-idaho-t-2013

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