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The International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia in Singapore will be marked by the presentation of the book “I will survive”, featuring life stories and experiences of LGBTQI persons. What is it like to be gay and experience bullying in school or National Service ? How do you deal with being rejected by your family and religious group because of your sexual orientation ? How are women’s experiences different or similar to men’s ? What does one go through in an abusive same-sex relationship, or when one loses a partner to suicide ? What does a transgender man or woman go through in Singapore ? When you have been diagnosed with a life-long illness, how do you continue living ?
Leow Yangfa, the editor of the book, has spent most of his adult life involved in social services, including a previous job in a statutory organisation, and volunteer work with an HIV/ AIDS group in Singapore and a charity for the homeless in London. He is professionally trained in social policy and social work.
Ovidia Yu, award-winning novelist, short-story writer and playwright. Among her many works are The Woman in a Tree on the HillThree Fat Virgins, Hitting (On) Women, and Miss Moorthy Investigates.
Tania De Rozario, award-winning writer and visual artist, whose latest collection of poetry Tender Delirium has just been published by Math Paper Press.
Leona Lo, who published her autobiography From Leonard to Leona, A Singapore Transsexual’s Journey to Womanhood in 2007 . This was staged as The Ah Kua Show in Singapore in 2009, & in New York a year later.
Ng Yi-Sheng, freelance writer & visual arts administrator. His publications include a collection of coming out stories SQ21: Singapore Queers in the 21st CenturyGASPP: a Gay Anthology of Singapore Poetry and Prose.

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