It’s raining kisses for LGBTI rights in Mainz, Germany May 17th
As the colorful balloons take off to a gloomy sky over the cathedral square in Mainz, Germany, it starts raining kisses as the over 300 people gathered start hugging each other on May 17th. A broad coalition of local initiatives, including Queernet RLP, a network of local LGBTI groups, and Amnesty International had called for participation in this year’s rainbow flashmob to raise awareness for the human rights situation of LGBTI people all over the globe, with a special focus on the recent developments in Russia.
The demonstrators have gathered in front of a large photo mosaic showing a rainbow of kisses collected during the “Kiss The Pride” campaign the weeks before. It is the largest rainbow flashmob in the history of IDAHO in Mainz, with over six times as many participants as in the previous years. Celebrating with the crowd and also taking a trenchant position for total LGBTI equality is Rhineland-Palatinate’s Minister-President Malu Dreyer (SPD), who paid a surprise visit. Speaking for the city of Mainz, mayor Michael Ebling (SPD) underlined that diversity was an integral part of the city’s identity.
The local actions in Mainz were part of a statewide initiative supported by the Federal Foundation Magnus Hirschfeld.
For more information, contact Tobias Boll
A nice video documenting the action, in German, can we found here :