Exodus International to Shut Down

In news that will be welcomed by LGBT rights activists worldwide, Exodus International – the US-based organisation at the frontlines of promoting ‘gay cure’ therapies for decades – has announced it is ceasing operations. Last night (June 19), Exodus International...

Algeria IDAHO report 2013

[catlist name=country tag="algeria"] IDAHO mobilisations in Algeria centred on the publication of the ‘Colors and Shapes’ book, which features testimonies and powerful images of Algerian LGBT people. In Algeria, says the organiser’s press release, ‘the “Rainbow Flashmob” operation proves to be...

¡El Informe Anual 2013 ha Sido Lanzado!

El Informe Anual del Comité IDAHO 2013, como en años anteriores, divulga un panorama de las acciones por el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia, a nivel internacional y nacional. El informe completo está disponible en Inglés aquí: IDAHO-2013-Annual-Report....

Reporte IDAHO2013: Chile

Alcaldías chilenas izaron la bandera arcoíris en Día contra la homofobia La bandera arcoíris que representa al colectivo homosexual flameó en seis alcaldías de Chile, que la izaron en adhesión al Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia. Ciudadanos...

Zambia IDAHO Report 2013

Participants of the group Trans Bantu Zambia (TBZ) organised in critical response to this year’s global May 17 mobilisations, spotlighting the brutal effects of everyday transphobia. The group Friends of RAINKA appealed to government, church and public to halt hate...

United States IDAHO Report 2013

In the US, over 15 state representatives pledged to commemorate the day through official proclamations and ceremonies. Organisers in California, Illinois, New York, Minnesota, Washington, Georgia, Florida, Washington, D.C, and throughout the rest of the country hosted activities in commemoration...

Uruguay IDAHO Report 2013

A march against transphobia, homophobia & lesbophobia, organised by the Unión Trans del Uruguay (Trans Union of Uruguay) put the fight against transphobia centre stage, in Uruguay’s May 17 mobilisations this year. The Ovejas Negras (Black Sheep) collective organised a...

Reporte IDAHO2013: Uruguay

1. Presentan video para reflexionar sobre la homofobia en la educación El colectivo Ovejas Negras presentó un audiovisual con testimonios de estudiantes y profesores sobre su experiencia con la homo/lesbo/transfobia en el sistema educativo uruguayo. 2. Marcha para por una...

Ukraine IDAHOT 2013 Report

LGBTQ organizations of Zaporizhia (Ukraine) held their annual Rainbow Flashmob on May 17th on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobi. Recently, in the Ukrainian society it has incredibly intensified homophobic and transphobic discourse backed by religious...

Uganda IDAHO Report 2013

May 17 in Uganda was marked by many events by several different organisations, spread out over the week leading up to the Day. Actions included a roundtable discussion with Ugandan journalists focussed on homophobic violence, activities from bisexual women’s-led organisations...

Thailand IDAHO Report 2013

Trans activists featured strongly in Thailand’s contribution to this year’s May 17 commemorations. Events included a participatory workshop with Miss Tiffany Company, a world-renowned transwomen beauty pageant organization in Thailand. The workshop, held in in Pattaya, focused on raising awareness...

Taiwan IDAHO Report 2013

LGBT young people in Taiwan joined the international May 17 commemorations in style, with colourful photo contributions to the Global Rainbow Flashmob. The organisers advised as they published their contribution: ‘Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline supports International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia!!!...

Switzerland IDAHO report 2013

The Geneva University of Art and Design won the anual IDAHO contest which reward short films made ​​by students of art schools in western Switzerland. Organized by Mosaic-info, the Republic and Canton of Geneva and the Canton of Vaud . This...

Sweden IDAHO Report 2013

IDAHOT at Stockholm University Monday 20/5 at 11.00 – 18.00 RainbowS at Stockholm University, RFSL Ungdom East and Stockholm University Student Union draws attention to IDAHOT – International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia at Stockholm University Program: - Learn more...

Spain IDAHO Report 2013

In Seville, LGBT associations banded together to organise various activities in secondary education centres. More than 600 people attended the series of events which included film screenings, debates, lectures, and the presentation of a study of 3,000 LGBT students from...

Somalia IDAHO Report 2013

Local activists from Somalia reported that radio coverage, acknowledging the significance of the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia, on May 17 2013, constituted the first time the issue of homosexuality has ever been publicly mentioned in the country at...

Serbia IDAHO Report 2013

Diverse events were reported in the Serbian capital, Belgrade around May 17. Actions organised by LGBTQI group, IDAHO Belgrade, included a panel discussion around LGBT community empowerment, a photography exhibition – tackling themes of sexuality, the body and homo/transphobic violence...

Russia IDAHO Report 2013

Rainbow flashmob events were organised on the afternoon and evening of May 17 in nine different cities in Russia (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Murmansk, Khabarovsk, Samara, Vladivostok, Ryazan, Nakhodka and Tolyatti/Togliatti). Rainbow coloured balloon releases featured prominently, but in various instances...

Peru IDAHO Report 2013

In Lima LGBT activists protested outside the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice to protest their exclusion from the National Human Rights Plan. Over 1,500 letters and 1,200 signatures were also presented, protesting this decision. The organisation PROMSEX also marked...

Reporte IDAHO2013: Paraguay

Besatón frente al Congreso paraguayo La organización Somosgay realizó un “besatón”, una maratón de besos, frente al Congreso de Paraguay para denunciar la discriminación que sufren las personas homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales en este país. Con música y banderas del...

Panama IDAHO Report 2013

Panamá Organización Hombres y Mujeres Nuevos de Panamá realiza campaña de divulgación. ONU reconoce derechos de gays en el Día Iinternacional contra la Homofobia y Transfobia En el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia, desde Panamá, el secretario...

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