Lebanon lebanon may 17th Lebanese Psychology Society: Homosexuality is Not a Mental Ilness

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The Lebanese Psychiatric Society (LPS) took a historical step yesterday (July 11) in announcing strong opposition to sexual reorientation change efforts (SOCE), or ‘gay cure’ therapies. In yesterday’s statement the LPS advised:

  • ‘Homosexuality is not a mental disorder and does not need to be treated.’
  • ‘Homosexuality in itself does not cause any defect in judgement, stability, reliability or social and professional abilities.’
  • ‘The assumption that homosexuality is a result of disturbances in the family dynamic or unbalanced psychological development is based on wrong information.’

The statement advised health professionals to ‘rely on science’ when dealing with LGBT patients.
The society said its statement was in response to allegations of arrest and mistreatment of homosexuals in Lebanon, reports the Lebanon Daily Star.
LGBT rights activists hailed the statement as an ‘important milestone‘, and emphasised Lebanon’s lead in the region in this respect.
The Lebanese Medical Association for Sexual Health commented: ‘This comes two months after we released our position statement against Sexual Orientation Change Efforts on May 17 2013. We would like to thank the Lebanese Psychiatric Society for this essential position statement to clarify the facts, dispel the myths and provide guidance to mental health professionals practicing in Lebanon.’
Lebanese LGBT rights advocate, Bertho Makso, summarised: ‘This is a momentous occasion. The Lebanese Medical Association for Sexual Health has been working with LPS for over six months to achieve this… While the World Health Organization (WHO) and many countries in the West declassified being gay as a “disease”, Lebanon is the first Arab country to do so’.
Masko continued: ‘This is an important breakthrough to build on and demand anti-LGBT legislations and practices to desist, both locally and throughout the Arab world and North Africa… This achievement should be leveraged as an example for change throughout the Arab world, where LGBT people are still classified and treated with harmful ‘conversion therapies’, including psychological and hormonal treatment.’

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