Tuesday May 7, 2013
Washington National Cathedral
and the St. Paul’s Foundation
for International Reconciliation
Cordially Invite You to
A Private Screening of
the Award-winning Film
God Loves Uganda
in commemoration of
International Day against
Homophobia and Transphobia
Friday, May 17, 2013.
6 pm Reception
at St. Alban’s Parish Nourse Hall
(adjacent to the Cathedral)
3001 Wisconsin Avenue, NW.
7 pm Screening at
Washington National Cathedral
Perry Auditorium
A Panel Discussion Follows the Screening with
The Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma, Political Research Associates
The Rev. Canon Albert Ogle, St. Paul’s Foundation
Victor Mukasa, Ugandan LGBT activist
Linda Bales Todd, United Methodist Church
Moderated by the Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope, Cathedral Vicar
About the Film
: God Loves Uganda is a powerful exploration of the Fundamentalist Evangelical campaign to change African culture with values imported from America’s Christian Right. The film follows Evangelical leaders in America and Uganda, as well as politicians and missionaries, as they attempt the radical task of eliminating “sexual sin” and converting Ugandans to fundamentalist Christianity. God Loves Uganda premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and will be broadcast on PBS in 2014.
(Text taken from the invitation at: www.nationalcathedral.org where you can also find further information.)