Ukraine IDAHOT 2013 Report

LGBTQ organizations of Zaporizhia (Ukraine) held their annual Rainbow Flashmob on May 17th on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobi. Recently, in the Ukrainian society it has incredibly intensified homophobic and transphobic discourse backed by religious fanatics and nationalists and tolerated by the authorities, thereby provoking hatred, discrimination and brutal violence against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. Therefore, the problem of homophobia and transphobia in the Ukrainian society is relevant as ever. Now under consideration by the Parliament there are as much as 4 (!) draft lows aimed to prohibit so-called “propaganda of homosexuality”, and in fact ­­– to ban any positive mention of it in the public space, introducing fines and even jail time of up to 5 years.
Contrary to the last year’s event, this year the Flashmob did not go as smoothly. The anti-gay organizations and religious communities of Zaporizhia announced an “Anti-gay parade” exactly on May 17th, in order to thwart any attempt to celebrate the Day Against Homophobia. Homophobic groups in social networks organized a campaign to raise people willing to use violence against the LGBTQ people in case of any attempt to carry out a meeting. Groups of aggressive hooligans were mingling around many popular public places of the during the Flashmob day.
Nevertheless, more than 20 people had the courage to come out and speak out for the right to equality and freedom. Lined up in a row, the participants composed inscriptions “F*ck homophobia” and “Любовь сильнее ненависти” (“Love is stronger than hate”). Then, in a noisy and joyous atmosphere, the participants wrote on a piece of paper their dreams and wishes, bound them to the balls before they climbed into the gloomy rainy sky, coloring it with all the colors of rainbow…

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