2020 Event – African voices

Event: AfroQueer IDAHOBIT FestivalDirection: Live on the @AFROQUEERPODCAST  page streaming on Instagram LiveDate: May 17th 2020Time: Starts at 1PM East African TimeInfo: A live streaming event featuring creative Queer artists from the continent and beyond. Expect music, poetry and talks...

2020 Country Page – Thailand

Event: #IDAHOTThailand2020Direction: Online campaign: circulate video clips with speeches of the International diplomacy bodies, Thai community-based organizations, allies, and supporters from different sectors. Plus, online mini-concert of LGBT artists/performers.Date: May 17th.Time: All day.Info: One of the famous singers from The Voice...

2020 Country Page – Spain

Event: MÚSICA CONTRA LA LGTBIFÒBIA. BREAKING THE SILENCEDirection: www.gaysitgeslink.orgInstagram   @gaysitgeslinkDate: 17/05/2020Time: 17:00 a 23:00Info: Musical Marathon of diferents artists of Sitges singing and playing against LGBTphobia. Event: Breaking the silenceDirection: SITGES, Barcelona, SpainThe event will take place online due to Coronavirus...

2020 Country Page – Lesotho

Event: Feature Article Commemorating IDAHOBITDirection: To give an insightful information of being part of the LGBTI community in the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho where homosexuality is regarded unlawful and could lead to jail time.  The visibility and openness of LGBTI...

2020 Country Page – United States

Event: IDAHOTB with the IMFDirection: The International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC.Date: May 11-17Time: Info: - A Fund-wide email from Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva sharing her support and reaffirming the IMF's stance on equality.- An internal webinar speaking on the importance of...

2020 Country Page – France

Event: Paris Women in Machine Learning and Data Science MeetupDirection: The organizing is here : http://wimlds.org/about-the-paris-team/Date: May 14th 2020Time: 7 PMInfo: The Women in Machine Learning & Data Science (WiMLDS) Meetup aims to inspire, educate, regardless of gender, and support women...

2020 Country page – Azerbaijan

Event: 17 May- Let's Paint Azerbaijan to the RainbowDirection: Online, AzerbaijanDate: from 03.05.2020 to 17.05.2020Time: Anytime in betweenInfo: This is online campaign run by Rengareng Azerbaycan (Colorful Azerbaijan), a LGBTQ+ platform based on Azerbaijan, to raise awareness about LGBT+ people...

2020 Country page – Germany

Event: A better place to workDirection: Deutsche Post DHL Group supports the concerns of RainbowNetDate: 17.05.2020Time: Info: RainbowNet, the employee LGBT*IQ network in the Deutsche Post DHL Group, has seized the initiative and convinced the company to support the LGBT*IQ community....

2020 Country page – Armenia

We are only uploading event announcements that were registered on our site. For more information on events near you, please contact your local LGBTQI+ organisation. Event: Breaking Silence online campaignDirection: The  event is aimed to  mark the special IDAHOBIT2020 week...

2020 Country page – United Kingdom

We are only uploading event announcements that were registered on our site. For more information on events near you, please contact your local LGBTQI+ organisation. All events listed will happen online unless otherwise specified. Forum+ is proud to present an...

Jordan Country Page 2019

Report from organisers: Rainbow Street hosted a Ramadan iftar in Amman, Jordan on the occasion of IDAHOT (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia) to celebrate the strides of the LGBTQ community in Jordan and the region. The iftar (a...

Honduras country page 2019

Reporting from Human Rights Watch LGBT Hondurans March Against Hate Activists Call for Gender Identity Law, Equal Marriage, Adoption By Mirte Postema (Tegucigalpa, May 23, 2019) I traveled to Honduras last week to document violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people....

Haiti Country Page 2019

Activities happened in 7 different cities in Haiti, with major initiatives taking place in the capital Port au Prince, where Ms Elie, the former Citizen Defender / Ombudsperson for Citizenship, was awarded a distinction by the Haitian LGBTI community for...

Iceland Country Page 2019

Iceland aligned with a statement by Canada and Norway in support of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOTB) 17 May 2019 at the OSCE Permanent Council. The three states called on all OSCE participating States to eliminate...

Turkey Country Page 2019

Once again, LGBTQI initiatives were cracked down upon by authorities. On May 17, Police in Ankara harassed lawyers and trying to prevent reading of press release by Ankara Bar Association in front of Bar training center, on the occasion of...

Laos Country Page 2019

On #May17, @CanadainLaos partnered with a record seven other embassies to celebrate #IDAHOT by hosting a briefing and reception on #LGBTQ2 issues in Lao PDR. 100+ people attended, exceeding expectations! The event aimed to bring greater policy substance to #IDAHOT...

Switzerland Country Page 2019

Pic nic and festive evening organised by Dialogai Cet événement est organisé en collaboration avec le Agenda 21 - Ville durable de la Ville de Genève - Officiel et UN GLOBE, le groupe d'employé-e-s représentant les membres du personnel du...

Uganda Country Page 2019

(17th May, 2019 / Kampala, Uganda) Chapter Four Uganda, an organization working for the promotion of civil and political rights for marginalized populations and Sexual Minorities Uganda, an umbrella organization advocating for the rights of LGBTI Ugandans, had today organized an...

Belarus Country Page 2019

The British Embassy together with the U.S. Embassy Minsk, Belarus, Embassy of Sweden in Minsk, Israeli Embassy, UN in Belarus and WHO Belarus make a stand for the rights of the LGBT-community, the UK diplomats said on Facebook. Full info HERE

Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Page 2019

Representatives of the diplomatic corps in Bosnia and Herzegovina today issued a joint statement and expressed their support and solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) people in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the occasion of the International...

Malta Country Page 2019

To commemorate this day, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion hoisted the rainbow flag, together with its Embassies, High Commissions and Representations around the world in Paris, Vienna, Rome, Berlin, Washington, Brussels, Strasbourg, Dublin, Madrid, Tel Aviv, Warsaw, Geneva...

Romania Country Page 2019

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia: 30 Embassies and international Representations in Romania urge for the embracing of diversity, convey message of solidarity with all the marginalised groups and against discrimination by NINE O'CLOCKMay 17, 2019031 Approximately 30 Embassies and...

Barbados Country Page 2019

This is the contention of Raven Gill, co-director of Equals and founder of Butterfly, who believes that once this is done the level of harassment against them with be reduced. Equals is an organisation for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender...

Guyana Country Page 2019

SASOD and the US embassy held a joint press conference. All detail of event HERE On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on Friday, the Empowering Queers Using Artistic Learning (EQUAL) organisation was launched. It seeks to promote...

Moldova Country Page 2019

On March 19, the LGBT Community of Moldova organizes the “I’m OK” March, in a new edition of the Pride festival. On the other hand, the (traditional) Family Festival is organized under the patronage of Igor Dodon. The police formed...

Suriname Country Page 2019

Parea had a succesfull round of signing the Declaration of Paramaribo including VSH group of companies and Staatsolie.Companies who sign this declaration state that they are against LGBT discrimination in their work environment.

Georgia Country Page 2019

TBILISI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A thousand colored stickers with messages against discrimination were posted across the Georgian capital of Tbilisi on Friday to highlight LGBT+ people’s struggle for acceptance in the conservative former Soviet republic.  The initiative coincided with...

Trinidad and Tobago Country Page 2019

British High Commission celebrates IDAHOBIT 2019 High Commissioner Tim Stew MBE raises the Rainbow Flag on IDAHOBIT 2019 at the British High Commission Photo source: British High Commission The British High Commission in TT has joined in the celebration of...

Ukraine Country Page 2019

From the organisers: "Let us share with you this thrilling information about our first ever pride walk in our city of Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine). Please find photos as well: 100 Meters of Pride: Rainbow Flash Mob Held in Zaporizhzhia On the...

Kenya Country Page 2019

On May 24 #Kenya's High Court will decide if the anti-gay law should go. But what does it mean to be told your love is illegal? AllOut.org asked #LGBT Kenyans on today's #IDAHOTB to share their stories of pain, perseverance,...

Luxembourg Country Page 2019

Event: Idahot LuxembourgDirection: Place d'Armes in Luxembourg CityDate: 17th of May 2019Time: 12h-14hInfo: Le 21 septembre 2018, Zak Kostopoulos – militant queer, artiste drag et défenseur des droits des personnes LGBTIQ+ et des droits des personnes vivant avec le VIH...

Chile Country Page 2019

45 municipalities, 13 embassies, La Moneda, the Senate and the Prosecutor's Office join the Rainbow Campaign The institutions will raise the flag of diversity, illuminate their buildings and/or develop campaigns in the framework of the International Day against Homophobia and...

Russia Country page 2019

Four arrests in Russian LGBT protest  SAINT PETERSBURG: Four people were arrested Friday (May 17) during a protest by LGBT activists in central Saint Petersburg, Russia's second city, an AFP reporter said. Around 10 people took part in the protest...

Poland Country Page 2019

An Equality March was held in Krakow on May 18 What started less than a decade ago as a small demonstration threatened by violence has become a huge perennial event in which thousands of participants walk through Krakow comfortably to...

Italy Country Page 2019

17 maggio: da Palermo a Torino eventi contro l'omotransfobia. A Roma Spadafora presenterà i dati dell'indagine Ipsos sulle persone Lgbt Ricorrerà domani la 12° Giornata internazionale contro l’omo-trans-bifobia (Idahot), ufficialmente istituita dal Parlamento Europeo con risoluzione del 26 aprile 2007....

Ecuador Country Page 2019

Event: Guayaquil DiversoDirection: Plazas y calles emblemáticas del centro de la ciudad de Guayaquil. - Parque de las Iguanas (Pedro Carbo y 10 de Agosto)- Barrio de El Astillero- Calle Boyaca y Sucre ( frente al Diario El Telegrafo)- Barrio...

Hungary Country Page 2019

Event: IDAHOBIT 2019 discussion at TámPONTDirection: TámPONT community space - Hungary 1078 Budapest Hernád u. 38Date: 17 May 2019Time: 18PM-20PMInfo: We will go through the Rainbow Map 2019 by ILGA-Europe, the Trans Rights Map by Transgender Europe and the Intersex...

Ireland Country Page 2019

Once again this year, IDAHOT (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia) will be marked at the 10.15am service in St Anne’s Church, Shandon, in Cork on Sunday next (12th May).  More info HERE Transgender Equality Network Ireland and Youth...

Guatemala Country Page 2019

Event: Hablemos de Diversidad y Salud MentalDirection: Centro Cultural Casa Celeste.6ta Av A, 10-51 zona 1. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala Centroamérica.Date: May 16thTime: 7:00pmInfo: Conversatorio: En el marco del día internacional contra la homofobia,  bifobia y transfobia hemos preparado un...

Spain Country Page 2019

It Gets Better Spain Tal como afirma Naciones Unidas, el 17 de mayo es un día para celebrar la diversidad y para reivindicar los derechos de las personas LGTBIQ+ en todo el mundo, para que construyamos una sociedad para todxs,...

Serbia Country Page 2019

An inaugural gay-pride parade has taken place in the northern Serbian city of Novi Sad. Around 200 people attended the event on May 17, organized to mark International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. The event was the first such...

Egypt Country Page 2019

Event: #unjustjusticeDirection: The Alliance of Queer Egyptian Organizations will be celebrating IDAHOTB-2019 through different activities An online campaign #unjustjustice that focusing on the situation of LGBTQI persons in Egypt and the state violence in detention places and prisonsAn event on...

Latvia Country Page 2019

Picket to be organized by Saeima to attract attention to LGBT rights RIGA – On May 17 when the world marks the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, a picket will be organized by the Latvian parliament building, Elizabete Vegnere,...

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