On May 24 #Kenya‘s High Court will decide if the anti-gay law should go. But what does it mean to be told your love is illegal? AllOut.org asked #LGBT Kenyans on today’s #IDAHOTB to share their stories of pain, perseverance, and hope. Listen to the #VoicesOfKenya: http://www.voicesofkenya.org

Direction: The Elephant Studios Nairobi
Date: 17/05/2019
Time: 1600hrs – 0000hrs
Info: Wellness and Meditation
Live Podcast Recording
VJJ Queer Showing
After Party

Nearly one hundred members of Nairobi’s LGBTQ community and allies gathered for a live taping of AfroQueer, a Nairobi-based podcast that tells the stories of queer Africans.
The day was one of celebration, scheduled to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transpophia — affectionately called IDAHOBIT.

Credit: Halima Gikandi/The World
But the air was also filled with anticipation, as people discussed the potentially historic court decision that will be decided later this week.
Full coverage HERE