An Equality March was held in Krakow on May 18
What started less than a decade ago as a small demonstration threatened by violence has become a huge perennial event in which thousands of participants walk through Krakow comfortably to the beat of an accompanying DJ truck. Organizers Queerowy Maj (Queer May) invite community members and their allies to “feather oneself, flaunt yourself, stun others with the opulence of colours […] soar with us, with a light heart.” Full article HERE
More background info HERE

Event: In polish: “Międzynarodowy dzień Przeciwko Homofobii, Bifobii i Transfobii IDAHOBIT 2019: Sprawiedliwość i Ochrona dla Wszystkich”; International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia IDAHOBIT 2019: Justice and Protection for All
Direction: Demonstration: overthrowing stereothypes about homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender identity
Date: 2019-05-17
Time: 6p.m- 7.30 p.m
Info: Rynek Kościuszki, Białystok