2020 Country page – Germany


Event: A better place to work
Direction: Deutsche Post DHL Group supports the concerns of RainbowNet
Date: 17.05.2020
Info: RainbowNet, the employee LGBT*IQ network in the Deutsche Post DHL Group, has seized the initiative and convinced the company to support the LGBT*IQ community. On facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram the group logos are replaced by Pride logos. During the day there will be an Instagram quiz and from dusk until midnight the Posttower in Bonn will glow in rainbow colors and will bear the lettering #deliveredwithpride.  “The day is a reminder that central values of freedom and human dignity must be protected and defended through respect and acceptance, also with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity,” Thomas Ogilvie, Chief Human Resources Officer and Labor Director at Deutsche Post DHL Group.

Event: RainbowFlash Hannover
Direction: Virtueller Rainbowflash zum IDAHOBIT in Hannover, Niedersachsen.
Date: 17. Mai 2020
Time: Wahrscheinlich ganztags verteilt
Info: Ausrichter ist der LSVD Niedersachsen-Bremen e.V.. Diesmal in  digitaler Form, aufgrund von Corona. Es werden digitale Grußworte und Videobotschaften gestreamt/ gepostet.  Dieses Jahr mit besonderem Bezug auf die besorgniserregenden Ereignisse/Entwicklung in Polen.

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