China IDAHO Report 2013

Activists from around the country, and internationally, joined forces for actions in different cities including Beijing, Guangzhou and Changsha. A Queer Comrades event in Beijing took aim at Transphobia, and they launched a new documentary film “Brothers” – a pioneering portrayal...

Cameroon IDAHO report 2013

One year after a violent mob attacked a peaceful commemoration, Cameroon saw one of the largest mobilisations in the African continent, for May 17 this year.LGBT organisations Humanity First Cameroon, Affirmative Action and Camfaids Droits De L’homme rolled out a special IDAHO...

Burundi IDAHO report 2013

On May 17, to mark the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia, a coalition of organisations defending sexual minorities in Burundi launched a powerful new short documentary. The 25 minute film is structured around telling the stories of different LGBT people in Burundi....


Hong Kong Pink Alliance. 2013 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia – Hong Kong Rally. May 12, 2013. Organisers advised “The theme this year is “In.Justice” , to reflect the lack of legal protection from discrimination for different sexual orientations...

Reporte IDAHO2013: Argentina

Campaña antibullying escolar por orientación sexual e identidad de género La Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA) puso en marcha una campaña contra el acoso escolar inaugurando una campaña nacional: “Más inclusión sin Bullying”, en la que participaron actores y actrices que,...

Bangkok IDAHOT Rainbow People

May 17th was chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization’s (WHO) decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1990. The first IDAHO was organized in 2004. In 2009 transphobia was added to the name of the...

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