Bulgaria IDAHO Report 2013

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For May 17 in Plovdiv, LGBT activists involved the public with a creative photo campaign. Organisers advised, ‘we decided to focus on homophobia in sport. We printed Red and Yellow cards for homophobia and suggested that people take photos of themselves with the cards, voicing their stance against homophobia. We opened the initiative with a sports event in Plovdiv.’ Over 500 people, spanning 10 countries were photographed cautioning homophobia, or sending it off the pitch. The photos then made part of an exhibition called ‘Let’s Leave Homophobia out of the Game’ at Plovdiv Mall, which was inaugurated by Deputy Chief of Mission, Bryan Dalton, of the US Embassy of Bulgaria.
“The participants come from all walks of life, including directors, singers, actors, students, diplomats, housewives, etc. The diversity shows that there is support for the LGBT community in Bulgaria,” the organizers – LGBT Plovidv – explained in a press release launching the exhibition. Some of the the pictures were also re-exhibited during the June 2013 Pride, in different locations in the city.

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