Burkina Faso IDAHO Report 2013

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The Queer African Youth Networking Center (QAYN) organised a day of action, reflection and community building on May 18th, in line with international celebrations. Activities included a community meeting, a creative photo shoot to feed into the Global Rainbow Flashmob and a workshop to produce T-shirts with the motto ‘Accept me as I am’. A community-led study of attitudes to homosexuality in Burkina Faso was also published.

Day of IDAHOT activities in the capital, Ouagadougou

QAYN advised in the lead up to the Day, via facebook: ‘And ‘How are we celebrating #IDAHOT 13: In Ouaga, Burkina Faso, on the 18th, a full day of activities including a brainstorming session on how to make IDAHOT our own; how to raise awareness on homophobia and its impact on LGBT people; art making; a photo booth and of course food.’

Study on homosexuality in Burkina Faso

The organisation also made public the study it carried out amongst 273 students of Ouagadougou’s 8 universities. Under the title ‘What do you think about Homosexuality’, the study reveals that 50% of men and 42% of women declare not being familiar with the terms. Still, they are respectively 64% and 62% to think it should be opposed.
These figures, the first of their kind in the country, will be essential to support activist’s advocacy strategies.

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