HIV and Homophobia

ARGUEMENTS FOR ACTION Around the world, LGBT people are disproportionately affected by the HIV epidemic. Specifically, infection rates in men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans people are up to 20 times higher than in the general population. One of...

Rainbow Chalk-in

Chalk makes a great alternative to street art which leaves a permanent mark. It's also cheaper and safe for kids to participate. Rainbow crossings are a great message (tracing the safe passage to 'the other side'!). See our special post...

Love for All Campaign addresses Arab Citizens

An online magazine is calling on Arab citizens to speak out against homophobia. Aswat magazine is sharing user-submitted photos to address discrimination faced by gay communities in the Arab world, laws that criminalise homosexual relationships, and what they call “media silence” about their cause....


The organisation will also be distributing some materials to sensitize people towards LGBT issues and also offer small gifts like pens and …. anti-stress balls !! More information on the event, and to spread the word, please visit the event’s Facebook page

Today is International Women’s Day

One day, when hundreds of millions of women around the world will probably live like any other day. They will face the same injustice, ignorance, patriarchy and oppression. And, like any other day, they will use strength, intelligence, imagination, resilience,...


The International IDAHO Committee was set up by the founders of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia in 2004. Our objective is to make the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia a global awareness and mobilisation moment that is...

Support the Movement – Donate now

Hundreds of organisations take action on May 17th around the world Many of them act under extremely difficult conditions and can't rely on local solidarities. They need your support. Local actions are carried out with minimal budgets. Only 100 €/pound/$...

Why is IDAHOT important?

In almost 80 countries around the world, loving someone of the same sex is still considered illegal, at times involving lifetime imprisonment In seven countries, it is even punishable by death ! And in many more countries still, citizens are...

Progressive Voices of Faith

This page provides arguments and ideas for mobilising alongside, or as part of progressive communities of faith, for the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia, as well as links to further resources. It is destined to be updated in the...

Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill Now Law

Ugandan president, Yoweri Museveni, has today signed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law – a draconian instrument, roundly condemned by Ugandan and international human rights defenders, observers and institutions. The law significantly toughens existing legislation, which already outlaws same sex relationships...

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