On May 17th Lithuanian Gay League will screen “Beyond the Pink Curtain” at Cinema Skalvija in Vilnius (6:30 pm). The film looks at homophobia in both the East and West of Europe and the role of the European Union in anti-discrimination. The screening will be followed by a discussion.
On the eve of the Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, Lithuanian Gay League will draw attention to the often overlooked bisexual community by hosting a bi meet-up where people can discuss and share over coffee or tea (LGBT Centre in Vilnius, 6:30 pm).
Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights together with the Diversity and Education House and Lithuanian Medical Students’ Association will host two screenings of the film Right2Love followed by discussion: in Vilnius on the 14th (SoulBox 6 pm) and 17th in Kaunas (M.Žilinsko galerijos kino salė, 5 pm).