Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Ecuador

Ecuador fue nuevamente sede de multiples eventos en conmemoración del 17 de Mayo. Las distintas acciones se desarrollaron a lo largo y ancho del país para visibilizar los reclamos de la comunidad LGBTIQ. En la ciudad de Cuenca se realizaron diversas actividades con el objetivo...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: España

Como todos los años, España con sus diversas organizaciones de la sociedad civil fue parte de las celebraciones por el 17 de Mayo, Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia. En Madrid, con motivo de mostrar que significado tiene el 17...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Panamá

Diversas actividades se desarrollaron en Panamá con motivo del 17 de Mayo, Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia. Una de las organizaciones que se sumo a las actividades es IFMSA, una alianza nacional de estudiantes de medicina interesados en asuntos...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Costa Rica

Diversas actividades se realizaron para conmemorar el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia en Costa Rica de la mano de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y activistas LGBT y de derechos humanos. CIPAC, el Ministerio de Educación...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Argentina

El Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia fue motivo para diversas movilizaciones en Argentina, a lo largo y ancho del país. Por tercer año consecutivo y de la mano de la Secretariade Derechos Humanos y Pluralismo Cultural del...

IDAHOT Event 2015: Slovenia

In Ljubljana, Slovenia, IDAHOT celebrated with a joint event together with the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2015. Additionally, Ljubljana Pride hosted an event that took place a few days before IDAHOT. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Turkey

May 17, the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), has been celebrated with the largest participation ever in the Turkish capital. This year’s slogan “We are marching for freedom and love” attracted thousands under rainbow flags, marking the end...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Zambia

In Zambia, members of the trans community were preparing to commemorate IDAHOT. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to...

Apoya al movimiento – Dona ahora!

Muchas organizaciones realizan una acción para el 17 de mayo alrededor del mundo. Sin embargo muchas de ellas actúan en condiciones extremadamente adversas y no pueden contar con la solidaridad local. Necesitan tu ayuda. Done al Movimiento LGBT Internacional $10...
May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex people and all their allies and friends mobilise to advocate for a world that respects and welcomes gender and sexual diversities.   HERE you...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Chile

Diversas actividades se realizaron a lo largo y ancho de Chile el pasado 17 de mayo, Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia. El 16 de mayo se conmemoró por décimo año consecutivo en Chile el Día con una marcha que se desarrolló en...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Paraguay

En la mañana del lunes 18 de mayo en la Plaza de Armas frente al Congreso Nacional Paraguayo, SOMOSGAY y la Federación LGBT Paraguaya llevó a cabo la sexta edición del Besatón 2015, con el fin de dar visibilidad al...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Cuba

Cuba fue nuevamente sede de las celebraciones por el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia con su ya tradicional Jornadas contra la Homofobia a lo largo y ancho de la isla. Desde hace ocho años que en Cuba...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Venezuela

En el marco del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia multiples eventos se realizarón a lo largo y ancho de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. De la euforia a la desilusión. Por esa montaña rusa de emociones pasaron los organizadores...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Botswana

[box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box] National LGBT organisation...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Italy

Italy saw a variety of events across the country. Activities included the 'traditional' IDAHOT Vigils, street flashmob, IDAHOT Rome, a Diversity Football Cup and many more! [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Mexico

In Mexico city, hundreds gathered for a giant Kiss-In on one of the city's most central and iconic squares On May 17th Mexican LGBT group and It Gets Better affiliate Todo Mejora México worked with well-known trans Youtuber Victoria Volkóva to...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Sweden

In Sweden, ILGCN/Tupilak hosted an international poetry & music evening on May 17 as a salute to IDAHOT and to all colleagues joining in all over the world, while Lesbians Who Tech were organising a social event the next day. [box type="note" ]We...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Germany

Germany has seen a big variety of actions across the country. The LSVD (Lesbian Gay Association Germany) and their local members have prepared the traditional rainbow flash mobs in different cities while other local groups joint this year's celebration in many different...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Philippines

In the Philippines, the Association of Transgenders in the Philippines added their voice to the global celebrations and the National Council of Churches in the Philippines released a IDAHOT Statement. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's...

IDAHOT Events 2015: China

UNESCO Beijing continues to do good work in China by supporting the rights of LGBTI individuals throughout the country. This year, in partnership with lesbian rights group Common Language, the group have launched the 'Be Myself' campaign aimed at raising...

IDAHOT 2015 Events: Latvia

[box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box] In Riga, the...

IDAHOT Events 2015: India

In India, the youth group of the Humsafar Trust- Yaariyan prepared a Flashmob and had a performance of the play 'Ek Madhav Baug' at a mainstream venue while Gaysi Family called for funding to support local LGBTQ work. And in Mumbai, a...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Hong Kong & Macau

As in previous years, Hong Kong hosted a series of events in commemoration of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Pakistan

In Pakistan, Naz Male Health Alliance (NMHA) has planned IDAHOT events in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Hyderabad and Larkana this year. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Kenya

Kenya saw a number of events and project in celebration of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Switzerland

In Switzerland, Dialogai and Pinkcross  celebrated IDAHOT, highlighting the global theme LGBTQI Youth and focussing on LGBTI refugees. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Vietnam

In Vietnam campaign group CCIHP and ICS marked IDAHOT in a very unique way and in Ho Chi Minh City over 1,000 people participated in the Rainbow celebrations. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Malta

In Malta, the Drachma LGBTI and Drachma Parents Support Group joined with local faith groups to celebrate a special day of diversity on May 17th. The two groups, alongside the local University Chaplaincy got together for a special mass in support of...

IDAHOT 2015 Events: Myanmar

In Myanmar LGBT umbrella group Colours Rainbow worked to support the efforts of local groups across the country and held an event on May 17. IDAHOT events were hosted in 14 cities throughout Myanmar. In celebration of IDAHOT the group, together...

IDAHOT 2015 Events: Bulgaria

[box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box] In Bulgaria, the...

IDAHOT 2015 Events: Jamaica

Jamaica is a nation that has seen much persecution of its LGBT community. This year rising levels of hatred have created a distressing situation for many within the country. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Moldova

[box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box] In Moldova, the...

IDAHOT 2015 Events: South Africa

In South Africa several groups have held actions across the country, as well a s a number of larger public events being held within some of the larger cities. [box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and...
Fight With LGBTQI

Join the global campaign action!

LGBTI young people are particularly vulnerable to human rights abuses. Violence, exclusion, bullying, are often their daily reality. You can help change this! Join the call to leaders of the world, launched by a large international alliance of Youth organisations....

IDAHOT Events 2015: Belgium

[box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box] In Belgium, Brussels...

IDAHOT Events 2015: France

To mark the Day, 30 leading French media and news agencies, amongst which major national daily "Le Monde", sports daily "L'équipe" and leading agency "MediaPart" signed an anti-homophobia Charter, committing to fair coverage of LGBT diversities and total equality for...

IDAHOT Events 2015: Indonesia

[box type="note" ]We are still busy collecting information on this year's IDAHOT activities and are waiting to hear back from activists and event organisers. If you have information to share with us, please write us at[/box] In Malang, the...

Freezing Action

As a form of flash mob or street action, 'freezing' actions have been a powerful tool to raise awareness. Many causes and organisations have used this action to address various issues. Thereby, the ways of conducting the freeze action can...

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