'None On Record' highlights LGBTIQ Youth across African Continent


None on Record is joining the world in celebrating the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT) 2015 by collecting video messages from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) persons and allies across the African continent and those in Diaspora.

The video project will be focusing on the global theme ‘LGBTI Youth’ and is inviting people from around the world to send video messages of support to LGBTIQ youth in Africa. These messages will be launched online on May 17th 2015.
Here are the details from the open call:

Please send us a 45 second video with a message to LGBTIQ youth in Africa that answers one or more of the following questions:

  • What message of encouragement would you tell your younger self?
  • What do you know now that you wish you knew as a young LGBTIQ person?
  • Is there one piece of advice you would share with a young LGBTIQ person, what would it be?
  • Is there a reason why African LGBTIQ youth should be celebrating IDAHOT 2015?

Take part in this great initiative and touch a young person’s life. We do have a few guidelines!
The video MUST:

  • Be no more than 45 seconds (but it can be less)
  • Include footage of you (and/or friends/ members of your organization) talking directly into the camera.
  • Effects can be added to the footage including logos, pictures, slides, etc. BUT it is not necessary.
  • No background music. Please!
  • You must have permission of everyone shown in the video to share it with us and the world.
  • In your video, don’t forget to say your name(s), the name of your organization (if applicable), and if possible, where you are from.
  • Clearly state your message, aim to keep it as clear and simple as possible, and let your personality shine through!
  • You must be 18 yrs or older unless your parents give you permission (and see if they will appear with you in the video!)

Send videos to us by using Drop Box (www.dropbox.com) or WeTransfer (www.wetransfer.com). Make sure to send videos to Yvonne@noneonrecord.com by May 1st. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your messages with the world.

None on Record is a digital media organisation that works with LGBTIQ communities across the African continent and in the Diaspora. Their work focuses on three areas – digital media and documentation, technology & media training programs and culture & innovation.

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