IDAHOT Events 2016: Cyprus

To mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia Ledra Street, Nicosia, has been deported in rainbow flags and decorations. The street is part of the area linking Northern Cyprus to the rest of the island and is an...

Brasil celebra #IDAHOT2016

Como ya es habitual en el país, Brasil será sede el 17 de mayo, Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia con múltiples actividades. Desde marchas, conversatorios, foros y demás actividades que buscan visibilizar a la comunidad LGBT. Este...

Honduras celebra #IDAHOT2016

Honduras nuevamente será sede de múltiples actividades para el próximo 17 de mayo, Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia. Las actividades incluyen una agenda nutrida de eventos que abarcan todo el mes de mayo.  El Comité de la...

España celebra #IDAHOT2016

Nuevamente España celebra el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2016. Múltiples organizaciones en todo el país organizaron diversas actividades. Aquí encontrarán un breve repaso por algunas de ellas.  La Federación Andaluza ARCO IRIS inicia “el mes contra la...

Argentina celebra #IDAHOT2016

El Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2016 comienza a cobrar mayor protagonismo en las actividades de Argentina. A lo largo y ancho del país distintos organismos de gobierno y organizaciones organizaron eventos para el Día. En la...

Venezuela celebra #IDAHOT2016

Venezuela nuevamente formará parte del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2016 con multiples actividades que darán visibilidad a la población LGBT que sigue reclamando por el reconocimiento de sus derechos. Por primera vez en la historia el parlamento...

Panamá celebra #IDAHOT2016

Panamá también será sede de una nueva celebración de Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2016.  La organización Asociación Hombres y Mujeres Nuevos de Panamá se encuentra organizando la 3er Marcha contra la Homofobia para celebrar todas las formas de amar. La misma tendrá lugar...

IDAHOT 2016 Events: Fiji

The 1.5-hour long IDAHOT event will feature presentations by UN Human Rights Pacific, UN Women Pacific, UNDP in the Pacific and PNG, Fiji Human Rights & Anti-Discrimination Commission, Drodrolagi Movement, Rainbow Pride Foundation Limited, Haus of Khameleon, Oceania Pride, Pacific-Community-SPC, Youth Champs 4 Mental Health, Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni, US Embassy Suva, AmbaFrance...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Poland

In Krakow, local activists have organised the annual May Queer Festival, which will run throughout IDAHOT week. The event runs from May 11 - 22 and includes a wide range of inclusive and fun activities, including talks, workshops, performances, film...

Cuba celebra #IDAHOT2016

Durante el mes de mayo, Santiago de Cuba al igual que todo el país, celebrará la IX Jornada Cubana contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia, en la que una vez más se abogará por la no discriminación de personas lesbianas,...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Serbia

The Gay Straight Alliance of Serbia will this year hold their 2015/16 Rainbow Awards Ceremony on May 17th. The event will celebrate diversity and progress within the Serbian LGBT community and aims to recognise the efforts of individuals and groups...

Perú celebra #IDAHOT2016

Una vez más Perú se suma a las múltiples celebraciones a lo largo de la región por el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2016.  La Red Peruana TLGB y el Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los...

Costa Rica celebra #IDAHOT2016

Costa Rica será nuevamente sede de múltiples actividades para la celebración del próximo 17 de mayo, Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2016.  La Oficina de Diversidad de la Municipalidad de Goicoechea invita a la Conmemoración del Día...

Guatemala celebra a #IDAHOT2016

Diversas organizaciones de Guatemala nuevamente marcharán en contra de la homofobia, transfobia y bifobia en la 5ta y ya tradicional Gran Caminata Contra la Homofobia.  Desde las distintas organizaciones llaman a invitar a amigos/as, familiares, conocidos/as y compañeros/as para caminar contra...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Pakistan

In Lahore, national LGBT group Naz Pakistan will host a drag show and panel discussion to mark IDAHOT 2016 on May 15th. The event will feature a public discussion on the psychological impact of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia and will...

Puerto Rico celebra #IDAHOT2016

Nuevamente Puerto Rico celebrará #IDAHOT2016 con una gran marcha. Este año se realizará el 14 de mayo desde La Fortaleza en San Juan a las 12PM. Los organizadore invitan a familias, amigos y aliados a participar desde sus redes sociales!   Para...

Paraguay celebra #IDAHOT2016

Paraguay conmemorará el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2016 con una nueva edición de su tradicional "Besatón".  En esta oportunidad la actividad es organizada por las organizaciones SomosGay, Lesvos y la Federación LGBT Paraguaya, quienes cuentan con el apoyo...

Chile celebra #IDAHOT2016

Una vez más Chile y sus diversas organizaciones realizarán múltiples actividades para conmemorar el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2016. Dentro de las actividades se encuentra el izamiento de banderas del arcoiris, la iluminación de la Casa...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Portugal

In Lisbon, campaigners from Dezanove will host a debate with a local Member of European Parliament on the subject of LGBT issues. The event is free to attend for all the public and hopes to raise a meaningful dialogue around...

IDAHOT Events 2016: India

Throughout May LGBT health group the Humsafar Trust are promoting a special project focused on addressing mental health stigma surrounding LGBT people in India. The 'Queers Against Quacks' project will target mental health practitioners promoting pseudoscience and discriminatory practices and...

IDAHOT Events 2016: South Korea

In Seoul, Rainbow Action Against Sexual-Minority Discrimination will host a special event to mark IDAHOT 2016 with the slogan "Against the hate, sing the equality and spread the rainbow!" The event will include a press statement issued on the problem...

IDAHOT Events 2016: The Netherlands

To mark IDAHOT 2016 the Dutch National Gay/Straight Education Alliance has called upon schools across the country to address sexual diversity within their education and approach. The group called upon educators and policy makers to include issues of discrimination and...

IDAHOT events 2016: Italy

Arcigay, the national LGBTI federation, releases its annual report on LGBT-phobias. The report points to the strange situation where Italy now has a law on same-sex civil unions without having a law protecting LGBT people against discriminations.  In Palermo, arcigay...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Malta

In Malta local LGBT organisation Drachma will host a book launch to mark IDAHOT 2016. The event will take place at University Chapel and will be the official launch of Ulienda Rigal, which focuses on the LGBT community and is...

IDAHOT 2016 events: Belgium

Each year, Brussels Pride is timed to coincide with the Saturday closest to IDAHOT. This year, the parade will therefore take place on the 14th But the Pride festival includes events from May 9 to June 27 All further details...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Switzerland

Organisations in Switzerland have created a specific IDAHOT FB page and an interactive map to report on MAY 17 activities across the federation. From parties to conferences, the celebrations will span over 13 locations. In the Eastern part of the country,...

IDAHOT Events 2016: Israel

IDAHO - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia - SYMPOSIUM Tuesday । 17 May 2016 । 3:30 pm The Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Hall 127 With great pleasure we invite you to join us...

Looking ahead: Reunion in 2016

In Saint Denis, Reunion local community organisation Orizon will hold a number of public events as art of their #GoodAsYou campaign for IDAHOT 2016. On May 15th the local community are invited to a free concert to mark the start...

IDAHOT 2016 Country page: FRANCE

The national anti-homophobia organisation SOS Homophobie organises actions during IDAHOT week throughout the country, in at least 14 cities, including the presentation of their national annual report on the situation of LGBT people in France, which was launched at a...

Cuba to mark IDAHOT 2016

Image by Washington Blade. Recent political changes in Cuba have been a significant help to LGBTI and human rights activists working in the country. As the LGBTI community continues to grow more visible so does the range of campaigns and...

Looking Ahead: Hungary in 2016

LGBT activists and performance artists from Budapest will once again hold a special IDAHOT flashmob on May 17th. Organised by Szemtõl Szembe and Stereo Akt, the flashmob will be held in a public local in Budapest and will aim to raise...

Looking Ahead: Armenia in 2016

Our friends at PINK Armenia have confirmed they will be marking IDAHOT 2016 with a day packed with events. Before the day begins the group will share a number of Armenian-language images and infographics with information about the LGBT community....

Looking Ahead: Tanzania in 2016

In Dar es Saalam members of the local LGBT community will mark IDAHOT 2016 by launching the country's first National Transgender Forum. The event, organised by local trans and LGB activists, will hope to tackle discrimination surrounding Tanzania's trans community,...

Bangladesh IDAHOT reports

Due to the strong backlash against LGBTQI+ activists in Bangladesh, and upon request of the organisations, we have taken down all information related to this country, to avoid exposing people and organisations which have mobilised in past years for IDAHOT....

Dance your Protest

Music and dance have always been important elements of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Individuals and groups have used dance in various creative ways throughout the day’s history to raise awareness and protest, or simply to provide...

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