IDAHOT Events 2016: Israel

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IDAHO – International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and BiphobiaSYMPOSIUM
Tuesday 17 May 20163:30 pm
The Bob
Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Hall 127
With great pleasure we invite you to join us for the 6th award ceremony, prize distribution, and presentation of the winning academic papers on

3:30        Doors open 
4:00        Welcome and showcasing the academic papers competition 2016
Prof. Bilha Davidson-Arad – Head of the Bob Shapell School of Social
Yali Ben Ami Vitenberg CEO HOSHEN Education & Change
Yadin Sapir
– Israel IDAHO activist
                  Dr. Guy Shilo – Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University
4:10        Opening Lecture
Ms. Hanna Kupfer
, Head of Research at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Ministry of Economy and Industry.
Integration or exclusion: Employed Israeli LGBTs perceptions and discrimination experiences.

5:10        Intermission
5:30        Award distribution and 1st place thesis winner lecture:
                  Danit Goffer – Tel Aviv University, the NCJW Program for Women and Gender Studies.
Experiences and perceptions of young adults that as children one of their parents had come out.
6:00        Award distribution and 3rd place winning seminar lecture: 
                  Idan Liav – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, International Relations Department.
Joining the European Union – a prospect for the LGBT?

6:30     Intermission
6:50     Awards distribution, and 1st and 2nd place winning seminars lectures:
             1st Place
             Maayan Shtendel – Tel Aviv University, the NCJW Program for Women
and Gender Studies.
Melancholy as double loyalty ethics: Call for gender exceptionality in
Stone Butch Blues.

               2nd Place
             Yarden Stern – Goldsmith’s University of London.
We’re born naked, but the rest we become: Drag and becoming



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