Venezuela IDAHO Report 2012

A range of activities took place in Venezuela for IDAHO 2012, including public “vaccinations” against homophobia in various squares in Caracas. Activists also pushed for the publication the National University’s policy on discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and...

Taiwan IDAHO Report 2012

Taiwanese activists organized a series of activities as part of an extended IDAHO celebration, including a press conference. Also, 17 different groups, clubs and LGBT-friendly stores jointly signed a declaration to start conversation with the public at large to educate...

Peru IDAHO Report 2012

annual reportfocused on LGBT human rights cases in 2011. The report followed the enforcement of the Peruvian government’s commitments to the Yogyakarta Principles. It included a denouncement of the so-called “curative therapies” promoted by some clinics and religious centers, which...

Nicaragua IDAHO Report 2012

Activists in Nicaragua organized an extensive program to commemorate IDAHO 2012 and discussed measures to address harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity and homo/lesbo/transphobic violence. Activities included two press conferences; a march against harassment and hate crimes; a...

Luxembourg IDAHO Report 2012

The national organisation of Trans people Transgender Luxembourg/Rosa Lëzebuerg organized a conference in Luxembourg city on confronting homophobia and transphobia at school. The city’s authorities joined experts and Youth Parliament delegates over discussions which emphasized the urgent and absolute need...

Jamaica IDAHO Report 2012

More than 80 representatives from government, civil society, the diplomatic corps and various educational institutions joined Jamaican activists for a public forum in Kingston themed “Right The Wrong: Encouraging Respect for Safer Schools and Better Learning Environments.” The forum sought...

Ireland IDAHO Report 2012

In Ireland, there was unprecedented mobilisation from activists from organisationsBelongTo and the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) for IDAHO this year. As both organisations were already heavily mobilised on the issue of homophobic bullying, the global focus of the Day on this theme provided...

Iran IDAHO Report 2012

LGBT rights activists in Iran distributed brochures in the capital Tehran, carried rainbow flags and banners, and released colored balloons in commemoration of this IDAHO 2012. Meanwhile, the organisation Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees Inc. (IRQR), caring for the Iranian community...

Haiti IDAHO Report 2012

Haiti celebrated its first IDAHO in 2012 with a groundbreaking conference in Port-au-Prince that brought together more than 300 people to discuss discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Haitian society. In a country where most LGBT people...

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