Activists in the Philippines held a range of events to mark IDAHO 2012.
Two training seminars were held in Manila: The first, in conjunction with the Commission on Human Rights and the US Embassy in Manila, was a three-day workshop entitled “If You Prick Us, Do We Not Bleed? – A Gender Sensitivity and Human Rights Training on LGBT Issues”. The training involved about 30 representatives from government agencies and civil society and was aimed at equipping government agencies and civic groups with the appropriate perspective, knowledge and skills on handling human rights issues based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The second was a Policy Study Session at the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), where for the first time LGBT issues will be tackled in relation to DSWD mandates and the social protection framework.
LGBT activists took to the streets of Manila in a march to the Commission of Human Rights to present an updated list of murdered Filipino LGBTs. The event was held in memory of the 156 Filipino LGBTs who have been murdered since 1996 – 16 of those in 2012 alone. Activists called on the government to acknowledge that hate crimes against LGBT people, and the homophobia and transphobia underpinning them, are serious problems that must be given due attention; to ensure that government agencies take the lead in addressing the growing number of LGBT hate crimes; and to demand that the government help raise awareness about hate crimes against LGBT people.
Activists also held an LGBT Grand Rally for the Passage of the Anti-Discrimination Bill and the National Day Against Homophobia Bill. The third annual Flores De Mayo LGBT Pride march was also held in Manila with the theme “Stop Bullying: Save Our Children”. The event was aimed at raising awareness about discrimination and promoting visibility, acceptance and LGBT pride.
Stressing that the promotion of equality was everyone’s issue, activists also launched the “I dare to care about equality” photographic campaign, calling for everyone to take a more proactive stance in fighting discrimination.
In addition, activists in Cebu staged the Rainbow Friendship Games.