Lithuania Takes IDAHOTB Over the Rainbow

Lihuania Gay League reports Vilnius Celebrates the Opening of the Rainbow Crosswalk To mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), the National LGBT* Rights Organization LGL decorated the crossing outside its office at Pylimo St. 21 (Vilnius)...

2018 Posters to share

Once again this year, creative campaigners will come up with great designs for posters, memes, placards or leaflets. But if you're in a hurry, or just don't feel that inspired, we created a few posters to share. We hope you...

Leave no LGBT person behind

Statement by human rights experts on the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia - 17 May 2018 Banjul/Geneva/Strasbourg/Washington, D.C., 16 May 2018 On the eve of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on 17 May, a group of...

España – Página de País IDAHOTB 2018

El Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOTB2018 se sigue consolidando en España con múltiples actividades. A lo largo y ancho del país distintos organismos de gobierno y organizaciones organizaron eventos para el Día. La organización Kif-Kif Entre Iguales...

Cuba – Página de País IDAHOTB 2018

Por 11 año consecutivo, el Cenesex realizará múltiples actividades durante el mes de mayo por el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia bajo la consigna "Por escuelas sin homofobia ni transfobia" #MeIncluyo. [gallery size="medium" ids="11830,11829,11828"]   Cambios en...

Chile – Página de País IDAHOTB 2018

El Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOTB2018 sigue tomando gran protagonismo en Chile. Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, los organismos de gobierno y la población LGBT organizó múltiples eventos para celebrar el Día. 46 organismos han confirmado hasta ahora...

Posters para compartir #IDAHOTB 2018

Nuevamente este año, lxs activistas de alrededor del mundo diseñarán nuevos posters, memes, pancartas y folletos. Pero si estas apurado o simplemente no te sentís inspirado, nosotrxs creamos algunos para compartir. ¡Esperamos que les gusten! [gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="11770,11771,11772,11773" orderby="rand"]

Asian Youth's Voice Count !

Wanna join #YVC2018 IDAHOT campaign? Click on this link - Greetings from Youth Voices Count (YVC), a regional organization in the Asia-Pacific working on LGBTQ+ youth and young people living with HIV. I'm Justin, YVC's project officer. Learn more...

Corporates gear up for IDAHOTB 2018

Corporations are more and more aware of the challenges and opportunities of Equality at the workplace. May 17th is being increasingly invested by companies and their LGBT networks as a day of mobilisation, action and reflection. At European level, the Work...

IDAHOT highlights

The articles below bring you a selection of highlights and a flavor of diversity and creativity unfolding for IDAHOT 2017. Many more events are registered on our Country pages We bring more detailed reports on        Join us there to...

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