"May17Because" Memes

Especially for #IDAHOT eve, we’ve just launched a new online campaign, #May17Because. We give you 17 reasons why May 17 matters and invite you to create and share your own, via the hashtag #May17Because ! Right-click, save & share your...

We salute International Women's Day

On March 8th, we celebrate International Women’s Day. One day, when hundreds of millions of women around the world will probably live like any other day. They will face the same injustice, ignorance, violence and oppression. And, like any other...

Humanizing Your Cause

In today’s world of advertising blitz, glamorous promotions, and creative social media campaigns, we are constantly bombarded with brands, causes, images, taglines, hashtags, etc., all of them competing for our attention, money, and support. However, how does one choose which...

“Do Queer Votes Count?”

Under this theme, the Icelandic organisation Samtökin '78 used the occasion of IDAHOT 2014 to question the candidates for the upcoming elections about their stands on LGBTIQ issues & Human Rights. Therefore, they had organised a panel discussion with the...

Express yourself(ie)

Expressing ourselves is at the heart of every campaign. Our expressions is what makes us visible, what makes us liked or disliked, what brings us enemies and allies. Expressions come in many forms, and each campaigner will be faced with...

Say it with Flowers

How do you interact with people who come to your exhibition, or who watch your flashmob, or who just pass by your protest action? Handing out leaflets and pamphlets is fine, but it's not always the most engaging way. There...

Raising the Flag

An interview with IDAHO Committee Advisory Board member Rosanna Flamer-Caldera who heads the Sri Lankan LGBT group Equal Ground exposes how the organisation managed to get many foreign diplomatic representations to raise the Rainbow Flag in Colombo for May 17th...

Cure Homophobia!

In many contexts, having a sexual orientation or a gender identity that does not conform to mainstream norms is considered a mental health issue, despite WHO declassifying homosexuality as such back in 1990. To mock that belief, a powerful strategy is to...

Temática IDAHOT 2015: Juventud LGBT

Todxs los jóvenes Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Trans* e Intersex, LGBTI, son personas que tienen el derecho a crecer en un ambiente seguro y acogedor, donde puedan desarrollar sus personalidades y talentos con respeto de sus características individuales. Desafortunadamente las investigaciones...

Derechos humanos para todos y todas

Este último 10 de diciembre, muchas celebraciones se llevaron a cabo para conmemorar el Día de los Derechos Humanos, una de las celebraciones más emblemáticas de las Naciones Unidas. En nuestra región ésta fecha no pasó desapercibida y sirvió para visibilizar...

Photo Competition

A photography competition could be a great way to encourage participation from the community, to change public attitudes and promote discussion (in the form of an exhibition), and also to promote different images of LGBT people on social media. In...

Freedom Festival

Inspired by human rights activists in Liberia, who organised for IDAHOT 2014, a Freedom Festival is a bundle of different expressive actions and events, which creates space for community-building, creativity and acceptance. A Freedom Festival is basically a mix of...

Be (In)visible !

Protest of the Invisible – an arts display of shoes The long walk to freedom starts with a “Stand-in” of empty shoes. Interview with activists from Tbilissi, Georgia on the  International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014 -       Where/how did...

IDAHOT Report 2014: Slovenia

Slovenia In commemoration of the IDAHOT 2014, the US Embassy in the capital, Ljubljana, invited members of local LGBTI communities to a flag unfurling ceremony. [caption id="attachment_7761" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Activists and officials flying the rainbow flag at the US embassy...

IDAHOT Report 2014: Spain

Spain In Spain, a huge wave of mobilisation was registered for IDAHOT 2014, with numerous groups and organisations taking action in at least 10 cities and provinces, including Madrid, Barcelona, Valladolid, Valencia, Alicante, Melilla, Oviedo, Ávila, Sitges and Seville. Just...

Dance Flashmob

What could be more expressive than freeing your body and getting your groove on with a good old fashioned dance flashmob for May 17? The Global Rainbow Flashmob for the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013, saw loads of...

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