Malta IDAHO Report 2013

In La Valletta (Friday May 17th), a prayer vigil took place at the University Chaplaincy / University Chapel at the initiative of the Drachma Parent’s and LGBT groups. For more information please see: The Drachma blog: European LGBT Christian...

Lebanon IDAHO Report 2013

An Anti-Homophobia rally in the capital Beirut, a documentary film screening and discussion at the French Embassy, and the participation of Lebanese activists in the Regional Network Against Homophobia statement for May 17 marked commemorations around the Day in Lebanon....

Reporte IDAHO2013: México

Campaña “Reacciona México” para conmemorar Día Iinternacional contra la Homofobia y Transfobia Durante el mes de mayo, Reacciona México RMX,  lanza su campaña “Reacciona México Sin Homofobia”, la cual consiste en invitar a Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, Dependencias Gubernamentales, Iniciativa...

Spain IDAHO Report 2013

In Seville, LGBT associations banded together to organise various activities in secondary education centres. More than 600 people attended the series of events which included film screenings, debates, lectures, and the presentation of a study of 3,000 LGBT students from...

Reporte IDAHO2013: Centro América

El Salvador Lanzan call center para atención a comunidad en diversidad sexual La Secretaría de Inclusión Social (SIS) inauguró el call center 131 para brindar asistencia y atención a personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales, transgéneros, travestis e intersexuales (LGBTI).–a-comunidad-en-diversidad-sexual.htm...

Mexico IDAHO Report 2013

International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013, and the entire month of May in Mexico was marked by the campaign ‘Talk Mexico’ (Reacciona México), in which LGBT associations invited civil society organizations, government agencies, companies and the general public to...

Iran IDAHO Report 2013

Iranian activists behind the facebook group روز ملی اقلیت های جنسی ایرانی‎ (National Day of Iranian Sexual Minorities), created an online photo exhibition, ’to show their solidarity with the world on IDAHO’. Based out of the capital, Tehran, they produced and published...

Panama IDAHO Report 2013

Panamá Organización Hombres y Mujeres Nuevos de Panamá realiza campaña de divulgación. ONU reconoce derechos de gays en el Día Iinternacional contra la Homofobia y Transfobia En el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia, desde Panamá, el secretario...

Uganda IDAHO Report 2013

May 17 in Uganda was marked by many events by several different organisations, spread out over the week leading up to the Day. Actions included a roundtable discussion with Ugandan journalists focussed on homophobic violence, activities from bisexual women’s-led organisations...

Burundi IDAHO report 2013

On May 17, to mark the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia, a coalition of organisations defending sexual minorities in Burundi launched a powerful new short documentary. The 25 minute film is structured around telling the stories of different LGBT people in Burundi....

Ethiopia IDAHO Report 2013

The Group Rainbow Ethiopia HIV and Social Support Services released a statement to mark May 17, which follows: Rainbow Ethiopia HIV and Social Support Services Solidarity Statement on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) 2013 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...

Reporte IDAHO2013: Paraguay

Besatón frente al Congreso paraguayo La organización Somosgay realizó un “besatón”, una maratón de besos, frente al Congreso de Paraguay para denunciar la discriminación que sufren las personas homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales en este país. Con música y banderas del...

Russia IDAHO Report 2013

Rainbow flashmob events were organised on the afternoon and evening of May 17 in nine different cities in Russia (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Murmansk, Khabarovsk, Samara, Vladivostok, Ryazan, Nakhodka and Tolyatti/Togliatti). Rainbow coloured balloon releases featured prominently, but in various instances...

Zambia IDAHO Report 2013

Participants of the group Trans Bantu Zambia (TBZ) organised in critical response to this year’s global May 17 mobilisations, spotlighting the brutal effects of everyday transphobia. The group Friends of RAINKA appealed to government, church and public to halt hate...

Haiti IDAHO Report 2013

The International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia was commemorated in Port-au-Prince, Haiti with a series of film projections, conferences, debates and testimonies. A new database system which enables confidential information sharing of the rights violations of LGBT people, was also...

Ireland IDAHO Report 2013

Actions for the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia took place in nine different cities in Ireland. Various events gave a specific platform to progressive religious voices. Five IDAHO events were held in Cathedrals – in Dublin, Belfast, Limerick, Kilkenny...

Sweden IDAHO Report 2013

IDAHOT at Stockholm University Monday 20/5 at 11.00 – 18.00 RainbowS at Stockholm University, RFSL Ungdom East and Stockholm University Student Union draws attention to IDAHOT – International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia at Stockholm University Program: - Learn more...

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