Country page 2023 – China

Most country pages feature announcements of events that were directly registered on our site. More information on what is happening for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia can be found on our social media. The Door Answerer -...

China 2021 Country Page

Note on event listing: Due to limited capacity, we are not able to provide a comprehensive overview of the hundreds of events that will take place worldwide. We list on this site the information that was directly sent to us...

2020 Country Page – China

HONG KONG Event: HK IDAHO+ 2020Direction: This pandemic is not the reason for us to stay silent!On 17 May, as we celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHO+), we’ll BREAK THE SILENCE in different ways. Maintaining social distance...

China country page 2019

Celebrations in China were very low-key in 2019. Many diplomatic missions marked the Day with events but organisations faced more severe restrictions than usual. For a good background information on this, read this excellent articles by AFP Hong Kong Event:...

IDAHOT 2017 country page: China

Planet Ally and International Family Equality Day: The Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum; May 11 and 12 from  @ Bloomberg, 25/F, Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queen's Rd. Central, Hong Kong Planet Ally: film screening Gayby Baby: Hong Kong Premiere;  May 11, 6:15...

IDAHOT 2016 country reports: China

On May 17th, the Beijing Gender Health Education Institute started the "All Gender Toilet Project" in Beijing to encourage gender-friendly businesses, UN branch offices, and local NGOs to put up a new toilet sign to publicly demonstrate their embracing of gender diversity...

IDAHOT Events 2015: China

UNESCO Beijing continues to do good work in China by supporting the rights of LGBTI individuals throughout the country. This year, in partnership with lesbian rights group Common Language, the group have launched the 'Be Myself' campaign aimed at raising...

China IDAHO Report 2013

Activists from around the country, and internationally, joined forces for actions in different cities including Beijing, Guangzhou and Changsha. A Queer Comrades event in Beijing took aim at Transphobia, and they launched a new documentary film “Brothers” – a pioneering portrayal...

China IDAHO Report 2012

Various activities were organized around IDAHO in more than 30 cities, including a rainbow ride, public educational activities, a kiss-in, a flash mob, the staging of a street drama, film screenings and discussion, a micro-blog initiative on anti-discrimination, and an online...

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