2020 Country Page – China

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Event: HK IDAHO+ 2020
Direction: This pandemic is not the reason for us to stay silent!
On 17 May, as we celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHO+), we’ll BREAK THE SILENCE in different ways. 
Maintaining social distance to keep our community safe, we’ll mark this annual day of festivities by going online. 
Our voices can only grow louder! Let’s embrace the world with all its sexual and gender diversities!
Date: 17 May
Time: 1200-1800
Info: Details : 
Date: April to 17 May
1.  Interviews
2. Online Survey: https://forms.gle/p3iCQrTwndzUsW1n6
3. Stories Collection
Submit your stories here: https://forms.gle/tFfUTy23aywtN2Te6

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