Morocco IDAHO report 2013

For the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Moroccan Aswat LGBT magazine, dedicated to the gay and lesbian community, launched a cyber campaign called ‘Love for All’ and the fight against homophobia. Through this campaign, organizers hoped to “act...

Nepal IDAHO Report 2013

Dance, speeches, debates, awards for journalists, and a pride flag-raising ceremony marked the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013 in Nepal. Different LGBT associations came together to organise events, in one of Asia’s more liberal contexts for LGBTQI rights,...

Mexico IDAHO Report 2013

International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013, and the entire month of May in Mexico was marked by the campaign ‘Talk Mexico’ (Reacciona México), in which LGBT associations invited civil society organizations, government agencies, companies and the general public to...

Reporte IDAHO2013: México

Campaña “Reacciona México” para conmemorar Día Iinternacional contra la Homofobia y Transfobia Durante el mes de mayo, Reacciona México RMX,  lanza su campaña “Reacciona México Sin Homofobia”, la cual consiste en invitar a Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, Dependencias Gubernamentales, Iniciativa...

Mauritius getting ready for IDAHOT 2013

The 17th May marks the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) and this 17th May 2013, the Mauritius-based Collectif Arc en Ciel (CAEC) is celebrating its 8th Birthday of continuous struggle against the prejudices of a burgeoning society for greater...

Malta IDAHO Report 2013

In La Valletta (Friday May 17th), a prayer vigil took place at the University Chaplaincy / University Chapel at the initiative of the Drachma Parent’s and LGBT groups. For more information please see: The Drachma blog: European LGBT Christian...

Malaysia IDAHO Report 2013

LGBT rights activists in Malaysia joined the commemorations for May 17, in various ways in 2013, including through different online actions. Highlights included the launching of a web-based video campaign to challenge transphobia. The campaign asks questions, in particular, of...

Macedonia IDAHO Report 2013

Activities for the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013 were reported in seven different cities in Macedonia. The key theme for the year was ‘Say No to homophobia’. Organisers advised before the event, ‘Association of lesbian,gay, bisexual and transgender...

Luxembourg IDAHO Report 2013

Transgender Luxembourg, in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Neumünster Abbey, organized an international multidisciplinary conference on trans issues from May 13to 17. The event aimed at informing and raising awareness on...

Lebanon IDAHO Report 2013

An Anti-Homophobia rally in the capital Beirut, a documentary film screening and discussion at the French Embassy, and the participation of Lebanese activists in the Regional Network Against Homophobia statement for May 17 marked commemorations around the Day in Lebanon....

Israel IDAHO Report 2013

Several events for IDAHO/Havana were held in Israel between May 16th and 19th. Actions included facebook campaigns challenging hate and promoting visibility, a special event featuring a “coming out” action, discussion about the day and a ceremony honoring key volunteers...

Ireland IDAHO Report 2013

Actions for the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia took place in nine different cities in Ireland. Various events gave a specific platform to progressive religious voices. Five IDAHO events were held in Cathedrals – in Dublin, Belfast, Limerick, Kilkenny...

Iran IDAHO Report 2013

Iranian activists behind the facebook group روز ملی اقلیت های جنسی ایرانی‎ (National Day of Iranian Sexual Minorities), created an online photo exhibition, ’to show their solidarity with the world on IDAHO’. Based out of the capital, Tehran, they produced and published...

Iceland IDAHO Report 2013

Surely amongst the year’s most beautiful photographs is a set shared online by Samtökin’78, an Icelandic LGBTQI organisation, on May 17. Participants of the group encouraged people to fly the flag throughout different municipalities in the country, receiving diverse contributions,...

Hungary IDAHO Report 2013

A workshop, focused on the ‘general lack of visibility’ of trans people including/especially within the ‘LGBT’ movement marked the Day in Hungary. A demonstration was also held outside the Houses of Parliament in Budapest. Events by Transvanilla Transgender Association Building...

Haiti IDAHO Report 2013

The International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia was commemorated in Port-au-Prince, Haiti with a series of film projections, conferences, debates and testimonies. A new database system which enables confidential information sharing of the rights violations of LGBT people, was also...

Finland IDAHO Report 2013

In Finland, the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia is widely recognised and commemorated as ’1705′. Rainbow Communities Association (Sateenkaariyhteisöt Ry) has organized the 1705 campaign since 2006, and this year added to that legacy with a vibrant new series...

Fiji IDAHO Report 2013

Members of LGBT group the Drodrolagi Movement (droMo) marked the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013 with a whole week of events. The programme included various rainbow-chalking events in the capital city of Suva, a peace vigil, a documentary screening...

Ethiopia IDAHO Report 2013

The Group Rainbow Ethiopia HIV and Social Support Services released a statement to mark May 17, which follows: Rainbow Ethiopia HIV and Social Support Services Solidarity Statement on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) 2013 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...

Cuba IDAHO Report 2013

The island saw activities around the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia spread over more than a week. Highlights included community panels, theatre, cultural galas, lectures, symposia, workshops, art exhibitions, shows, presentations, book launches, video panels, debates and street demonstrations....

Reporte IDAHO2013: Centro América

El Salvador Lanzan call center para atención a comunidad en diversidad sexual La Secretaría de Inclusión Social (SIS) inauguró el call center 131 para brindar asistencia y atención a personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales, transgéneros, travestis e intersexuales (LGBTI).–a-comunidad-en-diversidad-sexual.htm...

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