Macedonia – Events for IDAHO 2013 – Say NO to Homophobia !

 Information about activists’ campaign against hate speech in Macedonia, for International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2013.
The Association of lesbian,gay, bisexual and transgender persons “LGBT UNITED” Macedonia again this year will celebrate IDAHO day 2013.
Organisers advised “Our activities already started in Gostivar. our members, activists put up posters with a message – Say No to homophobia, the posters were written in 4 languages (Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish and English). LGBT United is planning similar activities across Macedonia in the cities of Skopje, Tetovo, Kumanovo, Shtip, Ohrid, Bitola, Kicevo.”
“LGBT United will have direct contact with citizens through sharing flyers and promotional material where will be explained what is IDAHO and how you can prevent the homophobia and transphobia. LGBT United is an organization that has members of all nationalities living in Macedonia, and organization efforts that all activities are available throughout Macedonia, available in 4 languages. during activities we will try at all to explain what it is homophobia and transphobia and how to protect against hate speech.”
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