Italy IDAHO Report 2013


Progressive religious voices featured strongly in this year’s actions, with vigils to remember the victims of hate crimes held in more than 12 different towns and cities. The Rainbow Tour – a Rainbow Coloured Caravan! – toured through the streets of Belluno, Feltre and Bassano del Grappa, bringing live performances. speeches and a party with it. Flashmobs, workshops, radio reports, video campaigns and meetings in schools and with government officials were also reported by local activists.

Series of Vigils Organised Across Italy

Various groups, local activists and religious leaders worked together to organise a series of vigils to remember the victims of hate crimes – for on May 17th, 2013. Coordinated by Gionata, an LGBT Christian Network, the level of mobilisation this year was unprecedented with connected events held in all major Italian cities. Local activists also reported growing support for the seventh annual series of vigils, from wider faith communities in Italy. The theme for this year’s vigils was “There is no fear in love”! (1 Jn 4, 18).
At the start of the campaign Gionata also released a beautiful short campaign video, in various languages, publicising the vigils, the IDAHO Global Prayer Initiative and the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia in general. They also made other material available in both Italian and English including bible references, and suggested forms for a vigil.

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