Victorian council to take down Australian flag in favour of gay pride flag

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The Australian flag will be taken down from the Woodend clock tower next month, with the Macedon Shire Council voting to fly the rainbow LGBTQI+ pride flag instead.

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council voted to fly the rainbow pride flag at the council offices in Gisbourne and Kyneton, and the clock tower in Woodend.

There is only one flagpole at the Woodend clock tower, so the Australian flag will be lowered to allow the rainbow pride flag to fly.

At the council offices in Gisbourne and Kyneton, Torres Strait Islander flags will be lowered to accommodate the rainbow pride flag.

The rainbow flags will be flown from May 13 to May 20 to acknowledge the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia.


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