This week, in relation to #IDAHOBIT2019, @pinkarmenia, a member of #HRH#Yerevan presented reports about the situation of #LGBT community and the use of #HateSpeech since 2014 in #Armenia: “Level of #HateSpeech in 2018 based on #SOGI was ‘unprecedented’”
In an initiative from Pink Armenia, on #May17#LGBT people wrote letters to their families to express their feelings, emotions and words that they could never say before. The letters and postcards will be published on the organization’s website and social media

Event: IDAHOT-2019 round table discussion on Protection of human right in the context of prohibition of discrimination
New Generation Humanitarian NGO (NGNGO) is organizing round
table discussion on Human Rights Protection in the Scope of Elimination of Discrimination and Promotion of Healthcare in Armenia, dedicated to the International Day against Homophobia, Bi-phobia, Trans-phobia and Intersex-phobia (IDAHOBIT-2019) on May 17th, 2019 in Yerevan,