South Africa Country Page 2019

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Durban beach walk happened as announced below. Full success !

Durban Beach Walk 2019
Direction: Same Love Toti will be hosting their annual event, the IDAHOT Durban Beach Walk. It is a fun walk aimed at raising awareness around the violence and discrimination that LGBTI people face in South Africa. People of all ages are invited to participate, to make a show their support of  gender and sexual orientation diversity and to call for an end to homophobia. It is not only the LGBTI community that are adversely affected, but also their families, friends and communities. It is time for straight and gay, cisgender and transgender, young and old, to come together and walk as a visible example of love and acceptance. 

Event: Laws vs. Hearts and Minds: how is justice and protection for queer people best served?
Direction: Graduate Centre, Room 1.57, University Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Date: 16 May 2019
Time: 12:30
Info: The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender, Centre for Human Rights and Up & Out (all at the University of Pretoria) invites you to join us for a panel discussion in celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT). The theme for this year, Justice and Protection for All, reminds us that over the past decades, protection of LGBTQI+ people and all people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions or sex characteristics has greatly expanded and this progress is well worth celebrating, but we must guard against complacency. 72 countries still criminalise same-sex sexual relations and even in SA, LGBTQI+ people still face regular stigma and discrimination.

Laws vs. Hearts and Minds: how is justice and protection for queer people best served?

Geoffrey Ogwaro – Centre for Human Rights, Moude Maodi- Swartz – OUT LGBT Wellbeing, Rudo Chigudu – Centre for Human Rights and Clara van Niekerk – UP & Out

Discussion Moderators: 
Pierre Brouard and Christi Kruger (CSA&G)

Johannesburg Photo Exhibition

After completing a successful seven month run at the District Six Museum Homecoming Centre in Cape Town, the photographic exhibition, Kewpie: Daughter of District Six is now heading to Johannesburg. The exhibition will run from 17 May to 31 July 2019 in both gallery spaces at the Market Photo Workshop in Newtown

More information HERE


Event: IDAHOT – Safety and Protection for All – Advocacy and Legal Recourse
Direction: – Welcoming – French Embassy and the Alliance Française Pretoria
– Short Film Screenings “Becoming Myself” (GLN) and “The Blueprint” (IRANTI)
– European Union input
– Drinks and Exhibition Walkabout
– IRANTI input
– Discussion “Safety and Protection for All – Advocacy and Legal Recourse” (SAHRC, Dep. of Justice, Love Not Hate LGBTI Legal Clinic)
– Twitter storm in support of decriminalization
– Canadian High Commission vote of thanks and support
– Concert with Umlilo
Date: Friday, 17 May 2019
Time: 13:00-17:00
Info: The event takes place at the Alliance Française Pretoria: 99 Rivier Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, South Africa. Entrance is Free and open to the public.


Khumbulani Pride March – Lest We Forget
A walk with the aim uniting against homophobia, transphobia and Xenophobia. We are marching from theFezeka Municipal Building corner NY1 and Lansdowne Roads, Gugulethu to Nyanga Sports Centre in Nyanga.

Khumbulani creates awareness of hate crimes and celebrates black queer bodies. After the march through eMfuleni, Cape Town, a day programme was hosted by various organisations.

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) said it joined the world in commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT). More info HERE

the Sex Rights Africa Network, we asked AIDS Foundation of South Africa staff members to tell us why they feel it’s important to commemorate IDAHOTB Day, and how they are combating Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia through the work that they do. We also asked SRAN Team members what their IDAHOTB Day slogans are – you can find their pictures below the videos.

Original Article HERE

More reporting on May 17 in Johannesburg by the Centre for Sexualities, Aids and Gender at the University of Pretoria 

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