Tired of being pink-washed? Try "Brandalism"

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Brandalism is a tactic that use existing brands and vandalises them by associating them with negative messages.
During UN Climate Change summit in Paris in November 2015, COP 21, activists against green washing mobilised for a very visible campaign.
Over 600 artworks critiquing the corporate takeover of the COP21 climatetalks were installed in advertising spaces across Paris ahead of the United Nations summit.
The’Brandalism’ project has worked with Parisians to insert unauthorised artworks across the city that aim to highlight the links between advertising, consumerism, fossil fuel dependency and climate change.

The artworks were created by over 80 renowned artists from 19 countries
Here are the ones targeting Mobil and Air France
More at http://www.brandalism.org.uk/
You can also hear more about the  Brandalism campaign in its founders’ TedTalk 
In the media, Forbes wrote an interesting analysis of the strength of the tactic
Quoting street artist Bansky : “Bus stops are much more useful for art than museums”
Joel Bedos's photo.
Joel Bedos's photo.

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