We are happy to announce that we teamed up with the brilliant New Tactics in Human Rights initiative to organise an online discussion on “Principles of Persuasion: The Social Psychology Behind Change”.
What exactly is this topic?
Tomorrow’s world is shaped by those who impact what people think and how they behave. But how do you influence people’s opinions, mindsets, and preconceived notions? All of us working on sexual, gender and bodily diversities know how challenging it can be to confront prejudice, stereotypes, stigma, and to change people’s mindsets. Social psychology provides insights into how messaging shapes people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. Understanding the science behind influence is key to creating more effective and lasting change. More details here.
How does it work?
During 5 days, from January 25 to 29 experts and practitioners from the field (the “conversation leaders”) will share their expertise and respond to questions from the audience. All contributions are in writing and can be accessed anytime, unlike a webinar. At the end of the conversation period, a summary will be developed by the organizers.
These online conversations have been going on for many years and the site provides all the archives of previous topics (including one on intersectionality featuring Vreer, from TGEU, as one of the conversation leaders)
How can I participate?
You can connect to the discussions at any stage during these 5 days. All you need is to register on the site. You can participate in more ways than one: sharing your expertise, putting specific questions to conversation leaders, reacting to comments, etc. Needless to say it’s free of charge.
Ahead of January 25, you are warmly invited to send to either me or Brent Jensen at bjensen@cvt.org any specific question you might have on this topic.
If you feel you would like to participate as one of the conversation leaders, please see the terms of reference and write back to either Brent or myself. We have not closed off the list yet!
Looking forward to having you with us for this exciting conversation!