IDAHOT2017 Country page: Uruguay

The IDAHOT day is firmly written into the country's diary. Civil society and authorities join hands throughout the country to celebrate it. On the 16th, the Spanish Cultural Center in conjunction with the Diversity Office of Montevideo city will inaugurate...

Uruguay celebra #IDAHOT2017

El Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia #IDAHOT2017 ya es una fecha instalada en Uruguay. A lo largo y ancho del país distintos organismos de gobierno y organizaciones organizaron eventos para el Día. El 16 de mayo a...

IDAHOT Report 2015: Uruguay

Uruguay once again hosted the celebration of sexual diversity and gender on May 17th with government activities and civil society organizations. The National Social Agency presented its strategic pathway policy towards comprehensive health care for trans people, entitled "Towards a comprehensive health policy in...

Reporte IDAHOT 2015: Uruguay

Uruguay fue nuevamente sede de la celebración de la diversidad sexual y de género por el 17 de mayo con actividades gubernamentales y de organizaciones de la sociedad civil. En el marco del Día Internacional contra la Homo-Lesbo-Transfobia, Mides realizó la...

Uruguay IDAHO Report 2013

A march against transphobia, homophobia & lesbophobia, organised by the Unión Trans del Uruguay (Trans Union of Uruguay) put the fight against transphobia centre stage, in Uruguay’s May 17 mobilisations this year. The Ovejas Negras (Black Sheep) collective organised a...

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