IDAHOT Report 2014: Uruguay

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The organization Ovejas Negras (Black Sheep) led actions for IDAHOT this year, once again, by calling for recognition of May 17 as an international day of struggle against homo-transphobic discrimination. The grass roots group called on people not to support legislators who were against, or who did not support, progressive sexual rights laws: specifically, on same sex marriage and the decriminalization of abortion.

Federico Grana, a member of the group, urged people to be informed and to not support “those legislators who left us unable or ill” and “who clung to technicalities to deny us our rights”.

Ovejas Negras – a grass roots group leading calls for greater equality for LGBT people in the country.

Grana said the decision to develop a list of those politicians who “did not accompany us with their votes in the fierce battle for the conquest of legal equality” was important because voters needed to be aware of “who these people are”.
Grana added that Ovejas Negras is planning to in generate a questionnaire which would survey public opinion about presidential candidates, and on how the group should respond to any future administration.
“As part of such an important day for us, it is vital that we do not lose this hard fight. We’re not going back,” said a group member on the Facebook page of the group.

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