IDAHOT Events 2015: Kosovo

Pristina saw a variety of IDAHOT celebrations: Find more pictures here: Pristina celebrated the International day against homo-, trans- and biphobia (IDAHOT) on Sunday, 17th of May. This important event “Walk and Dance against Homophobia" organized by three NGO's, CEL,...

IDAHOT Report 2014: Kosovo

Kosovo Kosovo witnessed a milestone May 17 celebration this year, with the involvement of politicians and the guarantee of effective security measures by the police. The Kosovo Government building also reflected rainbow colors at night on May 17. On May...

IDAHOT commemoration in Kosovo

In commemoration of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, "GEM" - Gender Equality Movement will be hosting a culture night in Kosovo on May 17. GEM will organize a culture night at an alternative art space with artists from...

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