IDAHOT Report 2014: Kosovo

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Kosovo witnessed a milestone May 17 celebration this year, with the involvement of politicians and the guarantee of effective security measures by the police. The Kosovo Government building also reflected rainbow colors at night on May 17.

On May 17, a rainbow march led by politicians took place, where dozens of people marched through ʺMother Teresaʺ Pristina Square on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. Vlora Çitaku, the Vice President of PDK (Democratic Party of Kosovo) and the Minister of European Integration, was also at the public event. British Ambasaador, Ian Cliff, and the Minister walked to Pristina’s main square together with activists.
The motto of the parade was ʺHomosexuality is not a disease, hatred is”. Meanwhile, uniformed police officers followed the march to ensure the safety of participants.
With USAID support, Qendra për Emancipim Shoqëror Kosovo (QESh)/ Center for Social Emancipation  conducted a successful public awareness campaign in honor of the 2014 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT). The organization handed out promotional materials, released colored balloons from the Newborn sign in downtown Pristina, and coordinated with the Government of Kosovo to light the government building in rainbow pride colors for the evening.
Kosovo also hosted a culture night for IDAHOT. The Gender Equality Movement (GEM), organized the night at an alternative art space, with artists of all different nationalities, sexual orientations and gender identities. The organizers presented their new video vlog about LGBTQ rights in Kosovo. The goal was to bring the community together and create a platform to share experiences, stories and contacts, and also to have fun!
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