IDAHOT Events 2015: Kosovo


Pristina saw a variety of IDAHOT celebrations:
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Pristina celebrated the International day against homo-, trans- and biphobia (IDAHOT) on Sunday, 17th of May.
This important event “Walk and Dance against Homophobia” organized by three NGO’s, CEL, CSGD and QESh, gathered together individuals, organizations and embassies to march for the rights of the LGBTI-community.
The participants enjoyed the sun, laid-back atmosphere and good music. Vlora Krasniqi, the executive director of QESh, thanked the participants for standing up against homophobia in Kosovo. Later in the evening Kosovo’s government building was lit with the colors of rainbow for the second time in its history.
On Monday Ms. Anne Meskanen, Chargée d’Affaires of the Embassy of Finland, gave a speech in the conference “LGBT community rights fulfillment in the Republic of Kosovo”.
Ms.Meskanen highlighted the responsibility of Kosovo’s government to show its support for the LGBT-community and to openly speak for the sexual minorities.

Kosovo_IDAHOT2015Pristina_1 Kosovo_IDAHOT2015Pristina_GovermentBuilding

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