IDAHOT Report 2014: Puerto Rico

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Puerto Rico

Hundreds of Puerto Ricans from the LGBT community, joined by their allies, marched through the historic streets of the capital, San Juan, to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014.

“The parade is held to educate our reality as LGBT communities and to show that we are not alone” noted David Román Efe spokesman for All Puerto Rico organization, which is directed by Pedro Julio Serrano.

Puerto Rico
LGBTI activists and allies at the San Juan city legislature on IDAHOT 2014.

Román was one of the hundreds of people who attended the activity under the slogan “For what is needed”, which started in the Totem Plaza del Quinto Centenario, San Juan, to finish at the city’s principal legislative building.
Serrano, meanwhile, noted in a statement that the purpose of the parade was to encourage broader society to end discrimination against people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. “Puerto Rico has to pay off its debt to human rights, so that no one is above anyone,” Serrano said.
The organizers asked participants to use the hashtags #‎porquenosdeben‬ ‪#‎IDAHOT‬ ‪#‎prlibredeodio and‬ ‪#‎todossomoslgbttiq‬.
You can watch a video from the event here:

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