IDAHOT Report 2014: Dominican Republic

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Dominican Republic

The organization UNIDI Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic organized the 2nd GLBTH University Forum, in commemoration also of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014. Progressive communities of faith as well as LGBTI family groups also came together to take action on the IDAHOT. The Day in the Dominican Republic was also marked by a video awareness-raising campaign against transphobia, by Transsa Dominica.

The 2nd Forum for Diversity University UNIDI took place in the city of Santo Domingo under the theme “Educating for Diversity” on Friday, May 16, 2014.
Meanwhile, the Metropolitan Community Church, ICM, and Circle of Parents, Mothers, Families and Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) organized a parade in the Independence Park of the capital city, under the name “7 laps against Homophobia”. The Action was held on Saturday May 17 in the afternoon.
These groups were accompanied by various civil society organisations. Participants walked around the park to raise public awareness around LGBTI rights issues and, in particular, to challenge decision makers to develop public policy for the protection of human rights, to ensure better quality of life for sexual and gender minorities.
Finally Transsa Dominica organization prepared a series of videos to raise awareness about the importance and need for a gender identity recognition law in the Dominican Republic. You can watch one of the videos here:

Photos from IDAHOT 2014 in the Dominican Republic

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