IDAHOT Report 2014: Nicaragua

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Communities in Nicaragua came together in an unprecedented five cities for a diversity of actions around the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014. Several LGBT organizations under the organization Mesa Nacional LGBTI Nicaragua organized the events in the different cities.

May 17 demonstration in Nicaragua 2014

Highlights included: On May 16, activists held a parade in solidarity with people living with HIV/AIDS. The activity was organized by the Organization CONISIDA Nicaragua.
On May 17, a major demonstration took place in Managua against Homolesbobitrans-phobia. Like many others this year, this activity was organized by the Mesa Nacional LGBTI Nicaragua, an umbrella organization which unites 19 LGBTI organizations and groups across the country. Actions took place under the framework of the Campaign April 26 – May 17 – June 28, 2014, under the slogan “Demanding Rights, Building Citizenship”.
Street performance for the IDAHOT 2014 in Nicaragua.

Concluding with the activities carried out on May 23, the First Municipal Discussion around LGBTI rights took place: “Demanding Rights, Building Citizenship”. This first discussion with the municipal, community and regional Movement of Sexual Diversities was organized by the Asociación Movimiento de la Diversidad Sexual Costeña AMODISEC and Asociación de la Diversidad Sexual de Siuna ADISEX, both organizations located in the Autonomous Region of Nicaragua North Atlantic.
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